Practicing short/ lights -> super cancel

I would like to know what game would be the best practice for this, knowing that ssf4 is very lenient with inputs. I wanna know because if i can master doing it in whatever game is suggested it would mean id have a much less chance of messing up in ae. Also if there is a game that would be best practice for hit confirms (basically i wanna be able to hit my opponent with 2 lights and know if they are blocking or not) im guessing sfa3 or cvs2 but i wanna hear what you guys got to say

Do it a lot really slow until you get it. What do you think practice is?

Practice it in whatever game you want to pick up and play. Any game will work, but the key is to make an effort to practice it until you get it down. Any training mode in any game with a ‘random block’ feature will make this a lot easier to learn.

Just pick a game without really loose input shortcuts and go to town in the respective training mode.

IMO, 3rd Strike Online is a great one. Modern features, plenty of varied characters to practice different confirmations with, and many of them are actually useful.

You can really do this in any title, though.

I know I can, its just that sf4 is known for lenient inputs. I want a game with very strict inputs for me to practice in because I know if I can get the hang of it in a game where the inputs are strict it will be very easy in sf4

Although I will start practicing in either 3s or cvs2

KOF perhaps.

If you want to clean up your inputs, maybe ST?

3rd Strike is going to be your best choice for getting used to strict inputs and timings, as well as developing your meta game. Parry makes certain of that

But the timing is completely different. Learning a 1-frame link in 3s or CVS2 isn’t necessarily going to allow you to easily do those combos in SF4. That’s like saying that I’m going to practice playing Basketball by playing Baseball. Sure, some basic skills might transfer over, but it’s far easier and efficient to just play your main game.

Unless you want to learn 3s or CVS2 and want to play it competitively.

What character are you super cancelling lights with? There’s probably a better combo anyway.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/50728/eltrouble">eltrouble</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/52135/K.V.998">K.V.998</a> wrote: <a href="/discussion/comment/7985935#Comment_7985935" class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I know I can, its just that sf4 is known for lenient inputs. I want a game with very strict inputs for me to practice in because I know if I can get the hang of it in a game where the inputs are strict it will be very easy in sf4</div>
But the timing is completely different. Learning a 1-frame link in 3s or CVS2 isn’t necessarily going to allow you to easily do those combos in SF4. That’s like saying that I’m going to practice playing Basketball by playing Baseball. Sure, some basic skills might transfer over, but it’s far easier and efficient to just play your main game.<br>
Unless you want to learn 3s or CVS2 and want to play it competitively.<br>

yea but if your practicing to run in baseball and its gonna apply to basketball pretty much in the same way. Im not trying to practice links or anything, obviously because the timing is pretty different. I want to learn super cancels in 3s because I know if I learn it in ssfiv and go into 3s, im probably going to do it 3 of the 5 times that I would be able to do it in ae. As a matter of fact, here is a perfect example. I do daily trials where I have to do a combo 10 times in a row without dropping it. So when I do  (with adon) 2lk, 2lp -> mk.rj -> fadc ultra2 I am able to get that down 10 times in a row probably on my 3rd try. Now if im going into Cody (second main) and use his hk.rk -> fadc ultra1, I will sometimes get a criminal upper or badstone. Why? Because of the lenient inputs that ae allows you to do. I can do a dp with 3 inputs for crying out loud. Thats why im saying if I can do a super cancel off a cr light in 3s lets say, then I would be more surely be able to get it down with Adon in ae

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/37440/OMG%20its%20a%20duck">OMG its a duck</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>If you want to clean up your inputs, maybe ST?</div>

I’m not too sure about practicing short short super in ST, since you’ll be practicing renda cancelling to get that down pat, which isn’t really a thing in recent fighters.<br>