Practice? We talking about practice?!

So yeah, I love the game and all but if I have one complaint, it is training mode. Is there any way we can record commands and then play them back? I want to practice getting reversals on wake up and from tick throws but have no idea how. What I do now is choose Gief and set it to CPU and just go from there. Any other ideas?


Looks like we’re just gona have to have practice sessions designed solely for this homie haha.

what you see is what you get.

Not 100% sure, but I believe reversals after a tick can only be done after you blocked the tick.

So if you are Ryu, and a Chun attemps to tick throw, do your shoryu input right after you block the tick to avoid her throw.

As for wakeups and landing from the air, I still gotta work on my timing too.

Yeah, me, Sonny, and Jewgos were doing some of this yesterday. I guess the only way to do this is just through actual matches and shit. Haha. Maybe get the PS2 copies of the game (ST) and practice through that. Oh well.

would be nice if u could have more controls in training.

  • press back to go back to original start points
  • control training dummy’s stance or be able to record him doing an action

you’ll just have to find a patient friend to practice with:)

It’s actually a step down from the hyper training mode because you don’t have the ability to make the dummy walk forward to get out of the corner (and no soft reset!?). The only saving grace is the awesomeness of visible hitboxes.

The potential to up your game with a recording option is almost limitless though. I’m very disappointed that feature wasn’t included.

Plus, even though I do love the hitbox option, the ability to pause without a stupid menu in the way, so you could actually see the hitboxes, would be most welcome. Maybe changing the opacity would be cool as well because sometimes they’re very hard to make out.

… I do have to remind myself that this is a non-retail 12 game sometimes, lol. Maybe i’m expecting too much.

Look into playing GGPO on your PC. You can do this now with Execution Aid, at least part of it but recording for playback is under works (or you can just record your screen and use Wrectangles on that video for frame-by-frame capture :slight_smile: ) but if you just want the commands shown check out the Terminator X thread in the ST forum. there is a link in there to the demo vid. PM me your email address if you want the app.

TRUST (T.raining R.egimen U.nder S.uper T.urbo):
-XSPR /mrdhalsim