We have uploaded the offstream match of PR Rog vs EM Taekua to youtube for everybody’s enjoyment. More offstream team Mexico matches to come in the near future.
It wasn’t as bad as it looked. The final combo had already started when Rog got up. He knew he was dead. In the Marlin Pie vs Frutsy video you can see PR Rog congratulating Taekua. (The matches happened at the exact same time.)
I figured. People still think Champ ‘rage quit’ at ECT because he took his hands off the stick when it was clear he thought RayRay was just going to super to kiill him.
There’s a local player we have here in Guadalajara called Miau who uses Phoenix Wright fairly well. He didn’t go to EVO however. We’ve got videos of him somewhere in our twitch channel but they’re not separated out. He’s probably somewhere in this stream recording: http://www.twitch.tv/versusmx/b/322464616
I wouldn’t say there’s too much wrong with that if you account for the fact that he was probably pissed off and knew he was in a piss easy combo that wasn’t going to drop and would kill him.
In Marvel 2 there was a lot of “checkmate” situations where people literally just held forward on the stick and just let their last character lose because the situation was THAT difficult to come back from.