Power Drain, FP, GNS

Rogue’s by far my strongest character and I absolutely can NOT get this to work. I’ve seen it done in videos; is there anything special I’ve got to do?

Power Drain, Dash in, FPXXGNS.

Is it one dash or a short wavedash? Someone help me.

short dash… wait… FP… wait till it comes down to height (but not low enough so it rolls)… GNS…

this is throwing TO the corner… otherwise you can only do the FP after the PowerDrain…

You can also use D.HK xx GNS if you want less timing to prevent an OTG.

When she gets speed up if timed right after the throw your otg becomes unrollable. Its more practical after speed up anyway especially if your not near the corner.

You can do it full screen with almost anyone. It’s easier with taller characters like Mag or even Cap. I usually do power drain, step, dash fp xx GNS.