Basically. Every fighting game community is too quick to look down upon other games, even if they don’t know much about them. There are people on SRK, Dustloop, TZ, MBread, and any number of other communities that all spew uneducated BS about other fighting games. They all like to feel smugly superior that they chose the only non-braindead fighting game in existence, and legions of fans will come into each thread to back-pat each other. But in the end, they’re all acting like the same stupid kids.
Psh, their game has pikachu in it. Gay little babies like pokemon, not big manly superheroes in spandex like our game!
I don’t like the Smash community simply cause they don’t take the game as is. I don’t care how much skill or thought process it takes to play the game, when you start scraping all the icing off the cake (items, stages, etc.) and then starting making rules on how to eat that cake (no infinites, no edge stalling, etc.), that what makes me smh.
Imagine a MVC3 tournament where you can’t spam projectiles or run away the whole game. XF is not allowed, and you can’t do more than one exchange combo cause it’s brain-dead easy and it doesn’t cost anything.
This thread reminds me of how the TVC socal community is banning giants in tourney play. It’s like they became the new Smashboards.
Yeah hi, welcome to SRK, we hate everything. Especially M.O.D.O.K.
Except the rules make the game total fucking ass, not better.
The console ports of 3rd Strike had a special options menu that allowed you to change the mechanics of the game. Things like turning off parries, enable air blocks, enabling the use of more than one super art, and vice versa and tournaments that used the console versions still played the game as is.
I played Melee for 7 years, I know enough about “high level play”.
I didn’t know Sentinel was on MSP, I always thought it was Storm.
Smash Bros is a great game to play with 3 buddies and a lot of beer.
Moreover, they’re not even out to make the game ‘better’, just better suited for competitive play (> minimizing the more random elements of a match). In this regard it’s a surprise they’re not respected more as SRK hates random elements as well. Seems like a lose-lose gambit for them; either they play as is and get railed for it, or they adjust the game and get railed for that. Overall you’d swear people hate on them for playing the game! lol
But I digress.
I do find it interesting that many complaints about MvC3 lead to what should change about the game. This is actually okay, but not when coupled with a crowd that looks down on Smashers for wanting to change their game. Except they’re not at the mercy of dev patches, they have options at their disposal. So they change crap at will. It’s whatever.
Imagine if XF was optional, with all these people hating on it (or at least XF3), and they opt to turn it off for tournies. Now imagine that Hellicarrier gets soft-banned for tourny play as well. Based on what I read, these seem like likely scenarios. Now what is the difference between that and what Smashers do now? I don’t think it’s a problem, but there’s some bias in that scenario.
This is the worst thread I’ve seen here in a long time. There aren’t going to be any smash-like rules changes. I don’t know why we are even talking about it. This thread is just troll bait.
MvC3 and Smash are the same as far as I’m concerned.
They’re both whacky games that in my opinion, should not be taken as a serious competitive game.
I have fun with MVC3 but only because the game is what you make of it, if everyone was not playing MVC3 then I would not be playing it.
If everyone was playing Smash, I’d be playing that.
SRK’s flagship game for like, a couple decades has random features built into the system. Nobody likes random for competitive play, but if a game is built around random, and getting rid of random fundamentally screws up the gameplay, then it’s something you compensate for rather than trying to tweak, for instance… playing longer sets… Personally I hate them for having a shady ass “community” and lots of stupid rules more than anything else. I mean fuck, fucking Poker is played competitively, don’t tell me you can’t make random work.
The whole “why system direction is dumb for tournament games” argument has been beaten to death a million times, don’t need to go over that again.
I believe they are both able to be played competitively. Better players will often win in these games (even with tripping on your ass in Brawl). Both can be taken seriously.
Personally, I think Brawl would be more compelling competitively if top players had to deal with things like items and infinite combos.
…and so it begins the herp derp competitive smash herpity derp argument
I agree with this, a good player should be able to deal with everything. I rather play with everything on any stage. Not a fan of the community’s early ban-happy style. Me and my guys were more laid back when we played.
What argument is that? I don’t know of any known arguments. Things go to shit so quickly.
I knew Smash would get pulled in when I seen the thread title. No way to assume otherwise.
All this Smash talk makes me miss SC2, SSB and SSBM because these were games my friends and I liked. Now everyone grew out of games and/or sticks to console FPS games.
black ops is hype.
Please son… COD4 is where it is at.
That’s true for every game, (I think this was posted rather recently but…) any game can be played competitively and the better player in any game will often win.
I suppose a few exceptions would be games like Mario Party and such but even that is iffy.
“The better player will often win” doesn’t mean a game should be played competitively imo.
Aside from people wanting to play any game to satisfy their competitive lust, there are games that are perfect for the highest level of competition and THOSE should be the tournament games, but competitions are much more fun when there is lots of different competition.
In a perfect world there would only be a handful of games that would be played in tournaments for big money- those would be games like 3s, ST, CVS2- games where you know everything that is possible you see everything that can/might/will happen and the game becomes a mind game as well as setting up steps to put yourself in an advantageous position to ensure your victory.
So to any of you sitting there saying “This game is good, your game is stupid” I’d like you to know the competitive players I’ve grown up around consider you one in the same- buck up and play a real game or be classified as playing the new-gen AKA kiddy games. (sf4/marvel3/smash/soul blade/etc)
Also, before I post this I’d like to say that Puzzle Bobble is probably the most fun game I’ve competed in, in tournaments.
Funny thing is that Justin Wong was the one wanting giants banned.