Pot and Street Fighter

I’m curious as to what percentage of folks on here like to smoke up before playing fighting games. I personally feel like I play a lot better at CVS2 when I’m nice and stoned.

Do you smoke weed, and if so do you think it improves or impairs your game?

That’s because cvs2 is a slow-thinking game. You probably play better because you play slower at times you’d be mad bored and want to make a mistake just to get the match going, lol. It probably helps you focus on something that would normally bore you.

Heck, do ppl actually play cvs2 without getting messed up first? :stuck_out_tongue:


That makes sense. It’s all about waiting and capitalizing on someone’s mistakes. I guess when you’re high your brain relaxes and gives you patience enough to spot openings.

This is exactly what I used to do until I quit dope. I find I play a LOT better when im stoned. Timing, acuracy and skill seems to improve imensley. I find it makes me concentrate on the game a lot better than it does when im sobour. It even made me figure things out I never knew before, like combos. It was all thanks to a joint I figured out how to do super cancels(also my xarcade).

I don’t smoke pot. The closest thing I guess was one night I was drunk. Really drunk. On the very edge of puking, but holdin’ it in cause puking is shameful kinda drunk.

Let me tell you. I was playing CvS2 with friends. I picked all the wrong characters, since I was looking at the opponents side of the screen. My reaction time was slow, and they capatalized on jump ins. I was more concentrated on telling them how awesome their games was (when it actually sucked), and I passed out after two matches.

Never again.

Weed + SF = not a good combination for me.

I start to think I am good with any groove and pretend to be top Japanese players and fail miserably. When I actually play with my groove/characters I don’t notice a big difference, I think I play worse.

Yeah, I suck ass when I’m drunk. :rofl:

I play a3 high as fuck, 3s too

I play CvS2 high, it actually really helps me with ranges. Not too high though, then I’ll like low counter at the end of Deadly Rave and look like an ass.

Hahaha, that’s exactly how it was for me.

Dope increases your senses, reflexes and alows you to concentrate on one thing easier. I used to enjoy a smoke while gaming but I got sick of the stuff. Now I just resort to regular old air.

Blazin n playin marvel is tha shit :clap:

weed + Sf = me slow as freakin hellllllll … everything is delayed haha . just ends up looking like random moves

Now this is a thread I can relate to. I get high before I enter an arcade every time. I play CvS2 alot better because I have more patience. Unfortunatly my MvC2 game gets fucked up because I get too fuckin’ lazy. My friend acually says he plays games better high, but when he loses he makes gayass excuses about it.

lol, now i know…

I used to blaze.

It would make me play WAY better no matter what game it was. Especially Tekken though. Thing is, half the time I wasn’t sure what I was doing or why (not trying to be funny or anything). It’s like the moves/tactics just flowed through without me thinking about it.

make sense…I mean CvS2 is huge in CA…& theirs alot of potheads…damn hippies! :bluu:

The percentage of top players that get majorly budded and kick ass in tourneys is pretty high, too… haha

In the perfect world of legalized marijuana, you could buy the CVS2 dime-sack combo pack.

i started out going to the arcades blazed over 10 years ago. see no need for changes any time soon :tup:

drinking is just as fun, but much more detrimental to being able to play worth a damn.