Post your random tricks/gimmicks

Blanka can mash on activate. Sagat can retort with kara uppercut but good luck, plus it doesn’t help that Blanka can counter that with RC elec during custom…

Your string sounds more like an extended guard crush string rather than a “fishing for counter hits into super” strategy. Extended guard crush strings are not the greatest things…overrated

anyway I just started reading your first post…when you’re talking about freejumpins such as that Dash setup, you need to specify what groove. C/A groove characters jump differently from the rest. FJIs are actually hard to time and require either an automatic setup (like Rolento’s) or very specific instructions and situations. And remember that Ken and Akuma just don’t care and will uppercut your feets

I agree with what you said. You’re right about the extended guard string. I never meant it as a counter hit setup. It’s just meant to guard crush or annoy. But yeah, it’s definetly not a technical strategy or anything, just something that would piss people off, and remember, I am assuming common sense here. Like, if you’re fighting C-Sagat/Guile, A-anyone with a free super they can just throw out at anytime, I do not recommend doing the string. But in situations where you feel you’re in control of the match, and doing it would be in your favor, by all means go for it.

As for the free jumpin setups, true, I SHOULD have mentioned that it’s MUCH easier with C/A, because all the other grooves either don’t have dash, or have delayed superjumps. I believe you CAN time FJI’s with run grooves/P, but as you said, it would require much better timing. Still, I think FJI’s are worth it, but should be used with common sense, just like any strategy posted on SRK, no matter how solid it is.

This is probably incredibly common knowledge (I’m pretty new to the game and haven’t had any real competition besides my brother and close friends) but with Akuma vs a fireball spammer you can jump over the fireball fairly easily and then they will probably expect an air fireball or a dive kick but if you can time it right you can pull off his shoryuken super exactly as you land. (They are usually still recovering from their fireball at this point so it’s a pretty easy hit.)

Welcome to the forums if you’re new, but that wouldn’t really work, because nobody spams fireballs in this game, and if they do throw them, they usually do it with a purpose. Usually, it’s best not to resort to jumping of any kind in SF, because 9/10 times, against a good player, you will get punished. Only jump when there are good (read: high risk/reward ratio) setups involved.

I just figured this out tonight. Blanka can do a late c. strong when Sagat does a crossup short. Do it right, and you’ll trade, which is a pretty good alternative to just blocking, and I’m pretty sure the trade is in Blanka’s favor. :wgrin:

Blanka’s LVL1 kick super is the only version which can combo off his c. rh. Works midscreen, too.

Here are two pretty good counter hit setups.

  1. c. short, c. rh (counter hit) xx LVL1 kick super
  2. c. short, s. rh (counter hit) xx LVL1 Direct Lightning

These are pretty good cause you can mix it up with…

c. short, rh throw, strong Ball (to get right beside them again). Remember the charge for the Ball starts after he finishes the roll animation, so don’t think that you can just charge during it, and then unleash it. Or you can just do the punch throw and make it easier on yourself. Also, remember that Blanka’s rh negates lows (true lows, not crouching mid moves like c. jab, c. strong, etc.), so that’s another reason it’s decent as a counter hit.

Oh, and setup #1 is unpunishable. Not even a reversal Sonic Hurricane can punish a blocked LVL1 kick super. #2 is of course punishable, but not easily. A blocked LVL1 Direct Lightning leaves Blanka very far away. You need a long range, instant super to really punish him.

EDIT: The strong Ball after the rh throw is actually pretty hard to time right, and any setup off a knockdown is pretty useless vs A/N/K (cept after supers and in the corner, of course). Now that I think about it, counter hit setups with Blanka aren’t the greatest thing in the world. Take what you will from this post, but I don’t like it anymore. It just doesn’t seem worth it to do anything tricky with the beast. He’s been reduced to RC spam and turtling. I still like playing footsies with him, though. His walk animation is teh sexy.

Fuck Blanka. I just realized something basic tonight. I used to have problems combo’ing (read: hit confirming) Geese’s Deadly Rave using the regular methods that I’ve seen in videos…BUUUUUT now I’ve got it.

close short, close short, far short xx Deadly Rave

I don’t know why, but this (for me) is BY FAR the easiest way to do it. I just do the following:

close short, close short, t+short, d/f, d, d/b, b, f+short.

Reeeeaaal easy for me now. Hurrah!

Aaaaand, for my new B&B (since I can’t always hit confirm close short, close fierce xx forward Jaiken, and missing that combo = free custom/LVL3/whatever), I just do:

close short, close short, c. jab, c. rh

Not bad. Lol, this shit isn’t anything special, but for me, it’s pretty damn useful. Peace!


Oh yeah, and this shit is even better cause it fits in with Geese’s pressure game. I use him in C-groove, so I like to mix up dash, throw with dash, close short combos (close short beats throws). But K-groove or whatever should have the same sort of bullshit guessing games where you don’t know if the throw or the short is coming.