Friday and Saturday night, Paul, Alex, Elias, and I have decided on reserving a cheap hotel nearby, but if there is anyone who is able to let a few tournament participants crash on the floor or something at thir place, that would save a lot of money and time. Is there any such person in Portland? I will be bringing sleeping bags for us in case, and I’d even be willing to pay the host for their hospitality.
My number is (360)941-7562 if you could contact me by phone. Any help is appreciated.
That would be great! Alex has a friend down there, so that could be one taken care of. Paul and I don’t mind the mess for sure (you should see our rooms :wasted:)
Perfect. I’ll call you later tonight and work out some details, if that’s alright with you, Elias. Is there any chance you can stay there Friday night as well? We could save a lot of money if we can eliminate both nights. $24 per person for both nights.
Staying as in sleeping there or staying as in hanging out? I have a good friend in portland I can stay with, maybe house another but I don’t wanna put words in his mouth before I talk to him about it. Either way, right on, I’m down.
Call me when you guys get around… I’ll be doing tourney stuff most of the day but I’ll be down to play as well! The only hard part for you guys is going to be the parking situation as coming in on a friday means you have to pay for parking on friday and saturday unless you are going to be arriving after 7:00pm…
any way number spelled not written
five zero three, seven zero two, eight two one eight…
I think we’ll be hanging around the motel all day to play casuals and get some practice in eh? Give us a cal and come on by eh? Yeah Elias just stay with us at the motel and then go to ur friends on Sat. We’re not getting there till around 7 anyways!
Indeed you have reason. I’m transferring money a chunk at a time over to my paypal account, and sending all refunds out simultaneously. The only one who should have gotten his by now is “Multi”, but I never heard about it after I sent the e-check. Keep it to the thread that multi made, as that’s the most up-to-date thread on my mistakes in SRK business. I figured I’d give you all a “Merry Christmas, and sorry for my irresponsibility” present at once.
Ehh… I guess so. When I was premium, I filled my PM box several times over (which equals 250 messages), so I have to sort through a lot, which takes time. I’m not online much, so just talk to me through e-mail.