Post-EVO Monthly Fuddruckers Survey


You said it. Running a tourney and also playing is very draining. Its easy to say “throw some shit!” but there is a lot of planning involved and at most you get a pat on the back and a handshake for your efforts.

I wish we had a Denjin-esque arcade in NorCal… :frowning:

We should all, as a group, start one. :smiley:

Preferably in Fresno. LOLOLOL. But yeah, we should really get one started. Someone needs to sit down with Shogo(was it him?) and see how he went about starting up Denjin.

San Francisco has been pretty cold in June and July. :wow:

We don’t have to worry being human hamburgers in FuddFuckers toasty oven room. :smokin:

If anyone can find a free/cheap spot in San Francisco that has electricity and possibly internet, I’d say let’s get on it.

Random spam, but I wanted to post something random that made me chuckle at work.

What about that basement where they held the SFC event in the city?

^SKWIRL!!! Where were you for during the Sunnyvale tourney? I saw you on the reserve list for HD…

That sounds like an interesting idea… although I’m sure Capcom paid dat cash money to have the spot for the night.

Sunnyvale held a $2 entry fee that went to the venue. I can understand how that goes. But even if you have a 128 man bracket, that’s only $256 for rent of the night. Iono.

Which is why we sold hot pockets and drinks :PP

I’m in for monthly tourny :smiley:

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, been busy with taking care of other things and on a bit of a break. Anyways, I want to plan something in September with the main coordinators from the Fuddruckers group. Additionally, if you guys would like to step up and plan something awesome in August, please do so. Right now, it’s time to take care of some personal matters for a few weeks before I can really get heavily involved again, but I’ll still be attending events when I can in August.

Since so many of you guys are up for it, one of you guys please find a venue for an August tournament, and if you need help, I will be more than happy to assist you!

wasssup with that shit, throw a tourney man asap

If ST HDRemix is there then Im there

I had a party to attend, I was planning on bouncing at 10 and heading straight to the hotel, but peer pressure is a bitch :wink: 1 drink turned to 7 and then into 14 :frowning: and next thing I know it’s 1 pm Saturday?! Damn!!! I borrowed a ps3 stick and everything. Next time for sure though.

And 'bout the Sunnyvale spot, if there’s a venue fee then I don’t mind paying $5 fir that shit :slight_smile: it’s worth it.

Down with tournaments, especially down with casuals.

The last Fud tourny i went to was back in july and it was hot as balls. But the problem was nobody really knew how to vent air. You need to close all the windows but two, and have a big fan pulling air out of the room so that cooler air can come in through the other window or entrance. Though I do agree that the environment could have been better, you could sneak free soda from the back :wink:

as far as tournys go I say keep them going monthly because there will always be new people coming to play as I see new faces every tourny.

the next nor cal monthly should be at Crackfiend’s apartment. 200+ people packed shoulder to shoulder without airconditioning fucking owns.

How’s that different than Fudrucker’s?

No free soda.

You can play Dota at Crackfiend’s.

I would like to attend this for sure, if HDR is there of course.

200+ hot sweaty guys in the same room… Bradford, how can you not?