More like…
I cheat or rage quit because = I’m a loser
Norieaga = DA SHIT, yo
I will say it again, my good fellow: you CHEAT in a VIDEO GAME. I’m reallllllly trying to understand what you’re so proud of?
More like…
I cheat or rage quit because = I’m a loser
Norieaga = DA SHIT, yo
I will say it again, my good fellow: you CHEAT in a VIDEO GAME. I’m reallllllly trying to understand what you’re so proud of?
Norieaga = DA SHIT = :crybaby: = :blah::blah::blah::blah: in forums
Hav’nt played you so dont know if your the shit, or dont know anybody who says you are good, but aint gonna judge your ability
To answer the question of being proud well im not really proud of the rage quits you know, I just find them funny beacuse of peoples reaction.
For my rage quitting habbits I blame high ranked players who call themselves pros such as nappyNIGHTMARES who was the 1st person to quit me and from that point thats how it got started
Benzema12 = [media=youtube]Pmee2mLmj0Y&feature=related"[/media]
Who said anything about scores? If you want to get technical, overall I’m 11-2 vs you.
What I said was you have TAPPED OUT to the legendary savalas.
You mad I made you rage quit?
You should see a psychiatrist about your insecurities boy. You don’t have to lie to get your way. Grow up.
well yes you made me angry when I quit :wgrin:
as for 11 - 2? well your obviously better then me, but wierd as Ive only played you I think 4 matches :nunchuck:
Tell me what I lied about you donkey? Tell me?
You and everybody else know that I quit matches before so tell me now what lie did I say?
all I said our last match was fucking hillarious as I PERFECT you last ound but would be a perfect if you did’nt quit which I aint complaining about right. It was just damn right hillarious match man, jeeze.
Now are you going to say what I said above was a lie? :nono:
The message proved it but I was’nt complaining about the quit, just saying that match was hillarious and so was the messages. are you going to say I lied about being a funny match? lol
ok if you say so…
Pathological liar. You are just plain sad, dude. :blah::blah::blah::blah:
OMG tell me why im a “Liar”, its all right saying that im a liar but back it up dude. Give us reasons? I cant understand of why I would lie about that hillarious match :lol:
Everyone knows im a quitter so its pretty useless blabbing and posting cos they know but by all means post that im a quitter, but to say that im a lair simply cos I said I found that our last match (where you quit to return the favour )was hillarious? dude seriosuly,