I beat his honda & he quit on me…I usually lose to honda easily but i beat him at the very last round…Im guessing you disconnect you dont get a loss to your record…
Did I say I was good? No I did’nt you moron. 14 Losses in 2000 games? - Thats not the actual stats you donkey, check the games leaderboards and you will know. Anyway I will look forward to beating your weak Cammy easy
Personally I think you are a donkey that got mad yesterday after I PERFECT his Vega in which you quit and I know Im not the one to talk about this but had to be said if you lot think Im responsbile for all quits.
Benzema…your loser-ness never ceases to amaze me. Keep em coming, and continue making yourself look like a jackass. It’s good entertainment for the rest of us. And as I recall, you ragequit on me which is what started our conversation.
That’s a blatent lie, I just played you this week.
Yes I played your weak Cammy this week ( I know im not the one to say shit) - I just wanted to post what you said after I beat you, I didnt even mention you quit you prick. Now since as that you mentioned the quitting topic If I remember It was YOU who quit because you dont like me throwing you across the room with my E.Honda and plus the messages prove that. Its the other way round you donkey, you quit on me first which is starting the conversation, I was waiting for a response intead. Just stating the facts otherwise I would’nt have posted right? Why would I quit then moan about it and post messages I got from you? I leave the moaning to others you prick. Does’nt make sense you fucking donkey.
Oh by the way, I’ll disconnect on your dishonorable disconnecting ass with ur srry honda. PERFECT? What a joke.
Ask anyone else if they get this treatment, answer: NO. I’ll reserve all disconnects just for you, Master F. If you won’t play and lose with honor WITHOUT disconnecting, I’ll never give u a win anymore. I’ll never give a ragequitter like u the satisfaction of a win if you are going to screw others out of a win with you.
I dont follow by your shitty “Srk Rules” about quitting - there you got the answer. Now that match we had a few days ago where I PERFECT you last round on your shit Vega was fucking hillarious! Looking forward to kicking that shit Veag of yours again kid
Ok you donkey what im I lying about? All Im saying is that the last time we played it was fucking hillarious, cos you had a 2 wins round, I came back which was now then to the final round. Got you running straight to your corner and attacked you in whcih I got a perfect round oh I mean it would have been a Perfect last round if you did’nt quit, aint complaining about the quitting dont you worry about that, its just that I found it very fucking hillarious dude that match was the most funny match I ever played. thats all. You can say that im lying (dont know how or why) I aint talking hate to you just saying our last match we plyd was fuckinh hillarious. Well looking forward to defeating your Vega :karate: