My stick isn’t responding and I think it’s because a pin is missing in the thing that plugs into the system. It has a psx pcb and it only has 8 pins with the pin in the middle of the group of 3 pins on the left side missing. The only other thing I have to compare it to is my SFAC stick which has all 9 pins so I’m guessing there used to be a 9th pin in the plug for the psx pcb. Is it possible to replace the pin or do I just have to get another pcb? Thanks in advance.
The PS cords should be missing a pin. It has room for nine but only eight are used. Brand controllers have this pin missing. If the SFAC stick has nine pins then I am sure that one doesnt communicate with anything.
If you download the files for the UPCB you can see what exactly each pin does, and you will see that pin 8(based on how they are counted in the file) is not used for anything since its not there on the controller.
You still may have a problem with the cord if the system isnt recognizing the stick at all, like buttons and joystick, but the problem isnt because of that pin not being there.
thanks for the response. hmmm now that that is out of the question it could be the cord is messed up or maybe the ground came loose… but I dont know anything about soldering. the person that made my stick put hot glue over the solder points to hold them in place so maybe it is the cord =(
Man this stinks, first time in weeks I have time to sit down to a good game of TGM2+ and my stick is broken =(