VF had 10 people at PNWMajors.
If someone could send me a few quality, full colored top end laminated flyers I will post them in both Nintendo’s National Headquarters in Redmond and the Technical Services building in Kirkland.
I do not have a printer in my apartment (nor a lamination device) and I only ask the above due to the distance of the tourney from the Seattle area, the fact that I come into daily contact with hundreds of potential participants on a daily basis in my current employment, and the propensity of people to tear down paper flyers compared to a professional-looking laminated one.
I have already gotten the approval from the higher-ups to post a flyer for this.
My only stipulation is that the character graphic is not a Nintendo character. That’s it.
I wish I could have done this for PNW Majors this year, but I just started this new, kick-fucking-ass job.
Next year PNW…expect a lot more participants.
Little info:
The community cork boards I have approved access to are in:
- Nintendo of America’s National Headquarters, which houses too many departments to list.
A few of note: Customer service reps, Digipen students, internal programmers.
- Nintendo of America’s Technical Services building.
:Temp production line workers, service techs, support personnel.
Hundreds of people on a shift basis will see this flyer.
I want it to look professional, and lord knows I can’t do that with anything I have available at my apartment.
PM me or gimme a call.
Thank you…
Hey Zach,
Just wanted to ask you for your address. So I can send you the money I owed you for the road trip from last time I saw you:) I’ve been busy, sorry about the delayed. Thanks.