Portland Tilt Tourney #5
What games: 3S, Tekken 5 DR, MVC2
When: July 7th (07/07/07) Saturday
Where:Portland, Oregon Lloyd Center Mall Tilt
Time: Sign ups start 2:00pm, Tournament starts 3:30pm
Entry fee: 5 dollars for each game
Prizes: 1st place=60% of pot money, 2nd=30%, 3rd=10%,4th=Ray’s new coinflip
Seeds:3S-1st(ME),2nd(White Sam),3rd(Ray),4th(Brian)
T5DR-1st(Black Dennis),2nd(Kent),3rd(Brian),4th(Phongsack)
Alright, it’s set, I’ll be making fliers for the cabinets again so everybody knows, I have brackets ready this time, so show up and try to win your game(s). If there’s not enough people for any of the games(probrably only Marvel), then it’ll just get cancelled. Hopefully out of towners show up, including more Seattlers. Tell your friends, get the day off from work, and make it, there’ll only be this and one more tourney before EVO, so show up and get some good practice in.
I’ll see if I can get LTB up this time, some people should seriously call Seattle people up and convince them to come to this one, or at least the next one.
I’m sure the day before the tourney, there will be lots of casuals at Tilt then Arts, and the day of the tourney, we should all get some pho again, then go to Arts.
There should be more people for this tourney this time, people missing the last one was, Tri-cities, most of team Mexico, team Seattle, Ross, some locals, and other random people. So I’m pretty sure one of these tourneys will have another record turnout.
Well that’s it, so see you 07/07, peace and post up.