Portland Tilt Tourney #5 3S/T5DR/MVC2 July 7th (07/07)

Portland Tilt Tourney #5

What games: 3S, Tekken 5 DR, MVC2
When: July 7th (07/07/07) Saturday
Where:Portland, Oregon Lloyd Center Mall Tilt
Time: Sign ups start 2:00pm, Tournament starts 3:30pm
Entry fee: 5 dollars for each game
Prizes: 1st place=60% of pot money, 2nd=30%, 3rd=10%,4th=Ray’s new coinflip
Seeds:3S-1st(ME),2nd(White Sam),3rd(Ray),4th(Brian)
T5DR-1st(Black Dennis),2nd(Kent),3rd(Brian),4th(Phongsack)

Alright, it’s set, I’ll be making fliers for the cabinets again so everybody knows, I have brackets ready this time, so show up and try to win your game(s). If there’s not enough people for any of the games(probrably only Marvel), then it’ll just get cancelled. Hopefully out of towners show up, including more Seattlers. Tell your friends, get the day off from work, and make it, there’ll only be this and one more tourney before EVO, so show up and get some good practice in.

I’ll see if I can get LTB up this time, some people should seriously call Seattle people up and convince them to come to this one, or at least the next one.
I’m sure the day before the tourney, there will be lots of casuals at Tilt then Arts, and the day of the tourney, we should all get some pho again, then go to Arts.
There should be more people for this tourney this time, people missing the last one was, Tri-cities, most of team Mexico, team Seattle, Ross, some locals, and other random people. So I’m pretty sure one of these tourneys will have another record turnout.

Well that’s it, so see you 07/07, peace and post up.

coo another tourny ass clown

Instead of marvel, you should run a KoF XI tourny. I bet we could easily get like 30 of those MccccDanolssd, Wendy, and janitors to show up.

shit! I’m going to be out of town that weekend :frowning:


Sweet! It would be Spanish speakers only, and we can exchange taco recipies as well!

I’m gonna be playing 3S this time and maybe Marvel.
Expect me to get 1st in both of those, along with CvS2 and ST somehow. Maybe a post-tourney CvS2 or ST tourney?

should we set up a post tourney cvs2 console tourney? my new team is FIERCE! hope to beast you all in 3s this tourney =D

Yes please. cvs2 console tourny. Why not have it in like a week or 2 instead of a month.

when is evo? k I’ll try to get work off

Evo is in late august: http://www.evo2k.com

CvS2 tournament sounds fun. We could do it a week from friday at Art’s. I think all the main CvS2 players could make it. I’ll have another Hori and 2 more good American sticks by then, so everyone should have something they are comfortable with. I’ll run the brackets if people are up for this.

Friday June 16th @ 1am (friday night)
$2/3 entry fee, double elim, 3/5 finals, 2/3 everything else.

Sound good to people? Let me know what you want the entry fee to be. I’d vote for $3 but I don’t really care. Winner takes all? 70/20/10? 80/20/entry fee back?


throw marvel with it too…and ill join cvs\

If you wanted to run a Marvel tournament at Art’s, we would need another PSX->DC adapter. I was planning on buying one, but I don’t think have it that soon.

80/20/fee sounds lucrative depending on how many people we have we fee could be bigger than 20% lol, anyway that sounds solid to me so long as we give anthony a few power ups and let someone else run the brakket:lovin:

Did this go anywhere today? I was there a bit after, in the afternoon.

I of course would play. I’ll even practice. Wish I could get some p-groove practice. But yeah I’ll play for whatever amount the tourney is.

Shit, if you want to donate to ANTHONY’S EVO FUND that bad then I’ll be happy to take 1st in CVS2, while your at it, a ST tourney will help me out too.

i will own you in st with my anti combo guile! fear!!!

I’ll be practising for this. If you see me, I’m the blonde girl with half black hair (lower part) usually in black.

I was there yesterday and a couple of folks played me, but I didn’t catch any names.

there aren’t girls on srk don’t lie


Come down to Tilt and find out then. Name a time. :slight_smile:

just go on friday and meet the whole crew. learn some stuff =D