Traps are hot.
Favorite. The deceptively sweet/friendly character who’s actually a pyscho/killer. Baby Bonnie Hood. I love characters like that because of the pyschological aspect. They fuck with people’s heads and make them paranoid. Reminds me to never judge people off first impression. You never know who you’re dealing with.
Like. Cheerful type. Felicia, Elena. Badass with a soft side. Jon Talbain, C.Viper. Fanservice ( come get me feminist ) Ivy, R.Mika. Cocky type. Johnny Cage, Ken.
Don’t like at all. The “likeable” idiot. Hugo, Taokaka. Big The Cat ( He’s not a fighting game character but still ). These characters you would feel hesitant to intrust them with the simplest of task. A conversation with them would have to be confined to two syllable words. I don’t mind ditzy. But flat out stupidity? Nah.
Dislike. Trap type. Poison, Bridget. Dirty fighter. Balrog. No legit reason for fighting. Felicia, El Fuerte. ( Yeah I love Felicia, but she’s a Pop Star that runs an orphanage. Why is she fighting??? )