Planning is in the works for a massive scale gaming tournament. It will include many genres of gaming and be in the Florida area. What I’d like to ask is what games in the fighting genre would the community prefer to play at this tournament? Please answer by giving me your opinion through this poll. If enough people are interested and actually compete in this tournament it will become a regular event.
Thank you for your time,
P.S. I didn’t include SF IV or KOF XII because both of these games are going to be a part of this regardless, when they are released that is.
That’s cool Bobsmack. If responses are slow I don’t mind. I wasn’t sure where to put the thread since it involves the Atlantic South. Either way is fine with me, I just need info from the community down here because Tyger and myself are serious about getting this off the ground and making this the premiere gaming tournament in Florida.
More then likely it will be in Daytona. I will be hosting the fighting game genre along with a few others helping me with games I’m not as familiar with. (GG, Melty Blood, etc.) Tyger, who is known in Jacksonville and the DDR community as the host of the premiere DDR/ITG tournament ran the idea of having a multi-genre tournament by me and I thought it was great. This is where the poll came from. We just wanted to get some feed back on what games were more popular right now. At this point the tournament is in the very early planning stage, however things are moving along quickly and as soon as more details are available I will be posting them. In the meantime, try and spread the word on here and through word of mouth that this is coming and to keep an eye out for more information as it develops.
Ok. The venue will be Speedpark in Daytona, FL. The date will be in Feburary. Not solid yet so I’ll post a thread in the tournament section once I have all the info confirmed, including address etc. I’m trying to get this posted asap to give everyone ample time to prepare to make it to the event.
It’s looking like these games will be the ones featured:
Third Strike
ST/HD Remix
Tekken 5 DR/6
and maybe KOF
SSBB will also be featured, but I won’t be responsible for that tournament.
For Tekken 6, if someone/some people are willing to bring this for the tournament it would be much appreciated. I’m not really sure about release dates, but I’d imagine it would already be out for Asia and Japan by then.
If you need to know what versions of everything you should have and/or need help with organizing and the like, I can give you a bit of a hand (despite living in Miami). Also, CalmWarrior is another name you should look out for since he’s run a bunch of O-Town tournaments successfully.