I have a question. For those who just recently updated Pokemon go, are you experiencing your data finishing up fast? For the last week i had to reload money to buy data and this was all after the recent update.
Also I can see people cba with gyms, there’s been a level 5 one by me for the last 3 days, it turned 6 this morning. I could easily take it but I really cba. Before, I slap a 2k+ CP Pokemon on there and it’s gone before I even get home.
Pokemon Go was fun at first, but then I realized that the strenght of pokemon really pretty much depends on your trainer level and not much else… so the cheaters pretty much win.
Tbh gyms are meant to be taken in groups anyways so some cheater could have a 3500 dragonite with percect ivs and moveset and a bunch pf level 20s can easily take it down. My biggest issue is the favt that only like 6-9 pokemon are relevant. Everything else is basocally trash and unusable.
Nope cus they fucked that up too. Pretty sure vaporeon wasnt a hozer to… Everything cus fuck it vaporeon just beats everything and gives no fuck about types or stabs or anything like that. But alakazam and gengar suck dick and they were good in gen1 outside of that i cant remember gen1 in terms of power lol.
I want more pokemon to be viable, i dont care about emulating the games. thats my biggest complaint. Im sure diversity might pop up as they add new generations but its annoying to look at the map and all the gyms are taken by dragonites or snorelaxes.