Plinking / Tsuji-Style: KARA BUFFER Inputs for Easier Links and More!

Could you also explain why lp~mp counts as lp, lp (this is how that demon tsuji-trick-thingy is performed)? Thanks

I find it interesting that such a thing actually works. If I can get it to go over I’ll have to incorporate it into my game. I guess if you really need to you could double tap AND do this, but that’s probably overkill.

If you do LP~MP right, here’s what the input window in the training mode says:

(second frame) LP+MP
(first frame) LP

Just go to training mode and try it. That’s the way the game registers it.

well i don’t know about this technique working but i do know the game follows button priority…if pressed together the stronger button always comes out

i’m thinkng that in this case the lp, lp+mp can all be considered one input unto themselves as well as multiple inputs…

so lp, lp+mp
which is actually:

registers as:

lp, lp,mp,lp+mp.

and then you finish off the demon command and the game registers if there were ANY double lp inputs, and there are, then demon has priority over anything you did so it comes out…


12 your really questioning this game input method? lmao

im guessing it works because of negative edge. when you release the HK it counts as an input, then when you press the MK, and the game assumes you are pressing both at the same time and just takes the stronger button due to input priority. therefore its smart to always use this technique in conjunction with negative edge to get your links.

if you are linking into a HK or HP, maybe if you piano down slowly (HP ~ MP ~ LP ~ HP) it may increase your chances even more, if you can get the game to register it as a HP, then HP+MP, followed by a HP+MP+LP because of negative edge.

To get a visual of how it works:

Go into training mode and turn on input data. Let’s take Chun’s basic c.jpX3 s.fp. Your attack data should look something like:

:d::lp: :d::lp: :d::lp: :hp: :lp::hp:


Good find, btw.

I’ll have to try this out.

ringopan and Crimson_Zero12, do you have the same chick in your avatars?

yes but i had mine first! but alakazam is also top tier so cool av crimson.

Same shoot, too. Good taste.


You sir are awsome. And I think “kara link” is a great term for this technique.

So gilley im guessing this works for guile as well…

Going to go try it right now.

I look forward to trying it too.

I also think it’s hilarious that this dood is hustling to name these kara links.

No disrespect.

Just got back to SRK to find this. I’m a happy guy! :wgrin:

Good shit, Kirby! :tup:

great find.

kara-link is ok, but i like KIRBY LINK. ugh.

im actualoly having trouble doing guiles are the button presses exactly:


nice find. i thought it was only useful as chunli. lk+mk coming out as ex legs.

Yeah I found the same thing using Gen’s stance changes. I was trying to do a rapid double-stance change within a combo and stumbled upon some strange things. I messed around with it further and found that it works with controller inputs as well. I thought it was making gen’s frame-recovery faster :lol:

Here is a Gen combo in Mantis style. Gen will do 2 standing middle punches then super…

Old linking
**s.MP, s.MP, qcfx2+MP
New linking
**s.MP, qcf MP, qcf+MP **

The 2nd MP link comes out easier if you add a ‘qcf’ right before you press MP. I can do other tough links like Gen’s c.LP, s.MP, s.HP easier using controller inputs as well.