Please give me some advice on Cody vs Juri Match up

any good safe jump on her after cody’s 236 lk/mk/ (ex)

how to deal with a juri that her main game play tactics are back jump, save meter by far distance fireball and random do ex214k when close?


If a Juri does constant up-back, its a tell tale sign they are really bad with her. Play health advantage.

If you get hit by RANDOM EX Pinwheel, dont suck at your links. If it is truly random then they are either mashing it, or they know you fuck up your combos consistently.

If the Juri is back jumping then she is giving that space away for free. Take it. Inch forward when she lands. She could be waiting for you to commit to something when she is in the air so she can tag you with a dive kick. If she is tossing out pinwheels at random, bait it out because that move is super unsafe.