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The purpose of the thread is straight forward is to hear fellow Raven players commenting about the Raven changes

Here’s the list of changes in case you missed them:

[]LP – Increased push back on block
]Close HK – Reduced frames by 10 (+6F on hit/-1F on block)
[]Far MK – Reduced frames by 3 (+2F on hit/-2F on block) - Startup 10F->7F
]Far HP – Hit box enlarged
[]Far HK – Reduced block stun by 5 - On midair hit causes vertical float - Hurtbox next to hitbox is invincible against air attacks
]cr. MP – Hit box enlarged
[]cr. HP – Hit box enlarged
]Air Crossed Ninja Stars – Hit box reduced - Cannot perform after back jump
[]Stormbringer – Startup 16F->13F
]H. Alter Ego – Increased midair combo count
[*]Wind Cross – Opponents in corner get floated higher on hit
The biggest one of them all is obviously being the removal of jump back shuriken. What it means is that you can’t shoot ninja stars anymore on the air when you are jumping backwards. This was an unique ability for Raven since it gave him an Akuma-styled zoning tool that traveled horizontally on the air. This change could change how Raven will be played. I wanna hear what other Raven players have to say about this. Any type of response is welcomed. Yes, ranting is allowed!