Also am including old Acrylic plate and two metal Buton plugs and Quick Disconnect wires if you want the original layout.
Wanting to sell: [COLOR=“Red”]
--------Multiconsole Stick-----------(If you want me to Xbox 360 dual mod the stick with a Switch and Mic port, PM me. It will be +$50)
Compatible with PS3,2,1, PC, and Gamecube.
$shipped to US. $ If you can pick up locally in Mountain View, CA.
Custom Sanwa JLF and Buttons (one seimitsu for PS button)
PS3, PS2, and Gamecube (works with Wii VC) compatible via ethernet jack.
MC Cthulhu PCB.
Picture album here.
I could change it to PS3, but the price of swapping out a cthulhu would add $30 for all my trouble and the price difference from the PCBs and a USB cable.
I’ll take the second one, the modded SE stick provided you’re willing to ship to Australia. I’m more than happy to pay whatever the additional cost is in shipping. If you can either respond or PM me I’d appreciate it.
Rtd, how did you mount the headphone extension cable?
BTW you should really consider a different button layout, no offense. Back and Start would be much better off over on the left, by the Guide button. Left Bumper and Right Bumper would fit pretty naturally where Back and Start currently are.