Playstation 1 Dual Shock H (Early Version)

Hey guys, i need to remove those analog stick from my pad
in order to modd my HT5 with a PSX pad.
this is the version im using and im almost finished but the
only problem is that the Analog Sick is getting me crazy
i mean is like i were holding up and back at same time
and when testing on 3rd Strike i turn off the Analog Stick
on the game options but after some time playing my Joystick
star to lag and some times random directions doesnt work.
Im planing to use some Resistors and some Capacitors just like
i saw here
But i dont know how, so id like you help with some Guide or Faq. Thanx.-

Thanx for the advance, nop im actually not using a converter for the moment
but thats why im using this pad because im planing to buy me the
InPin comverter to PS3 and also planing to Dual Modd with a 360 pad.