So im starting to play SFIV again & probably played for about the whole day…I decided to play HDR cuz Supernyc kept on inviting me so i came in but he wasn’t there but snakeyes, zaspacer, & kurropi was in the same room. I was all gitty cuz im never in a good room… Anyway, as soon as i started playing i notice my timing is way fucking off & the matches seem very slow. It took me like 8 or so games to get my timing back.
So im curious if any of you guys go back in forth with SFIV? How do you guys do?
This happens to me all of the time, but after getting a couple of matches in my timing comes back. I only play a handful of characters in both games so when I switch back and forth so Im not too screwed up.
Also I noticed that the players that play HDR now are extremely skilled, I cant find any scrubby players anywhere to boost my confidence after I lose to people like Ramza, Super1Nyc, NarcissusCaesar, IssacSRK, etc., etc.
Its quite difficult. I played the other day for the first time in 2 months, almost beat Cvital and Oski H - two excellent players. Anyway, I was whiffing regular moves and the dpad just felt like it was the lightest thing in the world. Heck, I tried doing QCB+P and I friggin’ jumped back and punched, something that has never happened before. And hey, they made me pay dearly. Maybe if my Cammy was in top form I would’ve taken it? The thing is that the HDR regulars always play so you can’t take any breaks.
One whole day of playing shouldn’t effect you too much. I played for SFIV for 2 weeks straight a while ago to get ready for a tournament and afterwards HDR felt completely alien to me.
These days I reckon it only takes a couple of hours to get back to a reasonable level but a while longer to get back to 100%.
I’ve been trying to learn SF4 lately so I go back and forth all the time. I don’t really seem to have a problem doing it. One trick I’ve used is that I play different characters in each game. I think if I played Dhalsim in SF4 that it would totally screw me up in HDR, since he’s so different in each game. But by playing different characters it makes it easier on me.
Then again I suck ass at SF4 and tend to try to play it like SF2, so maybe that’s why it doesn’t screw me up :wgrin:
I had a horrendous time switching back to HDR after playing SFIV. Since Ken isn’t “Ken” (in the SF2 sense, anyway) in SFIV, I had to play him differently (couldn’t rush down, no knee bash b.s., etc.). However, the day that five consecutive DPs were completely stuffed by a jump-in hk from some scrub online was the day that I sold SFIV.
You have to understand that HDR is a totally different ballgame than SFIV. In HDR positioning and zoning is a LOT more important. In Turbo you’re trying to create the ultimate defense. I like to refer it as my ‘airspace’ and when anyone enters my airspace, he gets taken the F down. Too bad most of the time I’m all out of ammo… The problem is that I take this mindset with me in SFIV. You’ll come to find out that it doesn’t work. FAs, dashes, ultras, EX moves, easy reversals and tech throws ruin everything. The reversals and tech throws more so than the rest. Mind you, I’m talking about the window of oppertunity for tech throws. I don’t have anything against teching throws if it works properly. I mean the Gouken kinda tech throws.
If you’re not handicapped like me though. It shouldn’t be too difficult. :bottle:
Just playing devil advocate but many might consider Ken spamming dragon punches and relying on hurricane kicks into knee bash scrubby too. :arazz:
But as many have said the game is just different. For instance Dhalsim sucked in Hyper fighting. He just didnt have enough tools nor chin to be effective. In HDR while not as good as the original Super Turbo Sim he still can cause havoc for the most part. In SFIV his moveset just seems useless. He definitely takes a lot more skill and effort to be good with and for me it just doesnt seem worth playing him.
Anyhow if they can improve his moveset in SSFIV I might give it a try again but if not I am definitely going to pass.
Point taken, but when you take away what makes Ken different from Ryu (i.e. they both have the same walking speed, Ken has one more start up frame for FB AND lp and mp DP, etc.) the incentive to play Ken essentially goes to zerio unplayable Ryu becomes a better version of him. I mean, Ken’s much more of a grappler-shoto hybrid than the rest of the shotos, but he just didn’t get anything interesting or distinctive in SFIV.
Uh, you *do *know that his flaming dragon punch done over and over is an unbeatable tactic, right? Ryu ain’t got nothing like that.
Anyway, switching does suck for a while, but the more often you switch between the two, the less of a hassle it is. I hope you don’t play Gief in 4 as well, though; 'cause then you’re probably fucked! Playing different characters helps a lot.
It was really hard on me at first. The first time I went from 4 to HDR I thought I was in a fishtank. Everything felt so strange, 4 teaches you to be lazy on directional inputs and to be more precise on button inputs where I feel in HDR its more the opposite and the speed and the jumps and everything feels weird. But after a while of playing both I think both sort of feel separate. Now, I’d still rather not play them both in the same day, but if I have to about 5 games in HDR and I feel like my brain makes the adjustment.
I definetly don’t play Cammy in 4, way to weird for me.
Actually ken is slower in IV. And two extra recovery frames on hado. Mp and Hp srks work like ST meaning the knockdown hits can whiff if you aren’t close enough.
The only thing I can say though, is that in IV his mp srk is his go to AA, and he’s tatsu centric, he gets mixups off his tatsus and hella stun and damage. Ken is different in that he relys on tatsu combos and srk combos(depends on how much health ken has) and he uses karas to teleport some distances.
In SSFIV though, without a doubt his srks need to be buffed, and he needs to be at least as fast as ryu or faster.
I use HDR’s different timing to actually improve my reaction time in SFIV. I always thought HDR was way faster than IV, or at least a lot less “floaty”.
It also helps that inputs are far more strict in HDR, no shortcuts or any of that other mess like SFIV has, so switching from HDR to SFIV is great for getting your input squeaky clean.
Ha, same here! When I was playing IV I used Ken, and only because I could do some nice combos with him and knew how to effectively whore his flame-SRK. I’m thinking to play it again but with a unique character, just don’t know who? Maybe Dhalsim since he doesn’t rely as much on insane combos and FADC as others.
Possible comedy responses, arranged in descending order from least to most spicy:
a) At the same time? No lol because you only have two arms.
b) At the same time? Yes lol because you have two arms!
c) Definitely not because every time you touch HDR it reminds you of how much more enjoyable it is and every time you touch SF4 it reminds you of how much less enjoyable it is and then you become less and less interested in SF4 until soon you’re only playing HDR again and
HDR is the better game, believe me that after having spent so much time playing IV with it’s weaker offensive palette that while it’s possible, I really can’t be bothered to play SFIV unless I want to do shit like fuck around and not think for a while. It’s possible to process both games and their individual systems, but I think HDR is better so it becomes a matter of preference.