Playing for keeps

In my time spent playing marvel on both xbox 360 and PS3 I have found that the online experience remains the same whether you are playing friendly(PS3)/player(xbox 360) or scoreboard(PS3)/ranked(xbox 360) matches. No one ever strays from the top-tier and/or plays for fun when playing random strangers. I can host a friendly match on PS3 and pick a Ken/Guile/Akuma team before the other person picks a single character and they still play MSP,Santhrax,etc. Knowing the inevitable lag that exists and can give birth to warpneto why do people still think online is just as valid as playing right next to someone in the same room? Deep down inside everyone knows the outcome of any given online match has an asterisk placed next to it because it was online. The whole thing sort of ruins the game for those who want to experiment and have fun but don’t always have friends over/online to play against. Can this game be played casually online?

My experience has been the opposite. On PS3. i’d say about 90% of my friendly matches are against random low/mid tiered teams, often they are obviously casual players. Sometmes the teams do have a strategy/synergy employed, but even then I very rarely face tournament-level teams like MSP, Scrub, etc.

I also have not had this experiance. 75% of people i play on psn have no idea what makes a good team and just play for fun… 20% more seem like they are out to win and will pick god tiers against you… but seems like once they’d faced someone a couple times and know that you won’t be picking a god tier team… they start to mix it up… (normally just mags, storm, sent, or cable on a team with some mid/low tiers) but either way… the thought is clearly there. That other 5% only ever plays god tier… but honestly… they are some of the easier people to beat often times… …often its clear that most people they were used to playing only used god tiers also… b/c you can easily surprise them and overwhelm somewhat with stuff they didnt expect… because they never really played a decent morrigan/juggs/tron… or wtver the hell low tier team your rolling with…

If you think the whole lagneto thing is bad then you must not have played much arcade… as mags is at least twice as easy now… no more switch glitch… meaning he has to at least EARN that 1 hit to start his bull… plus the same lag that leaves him seeming to teleport around… will also leaves his dash slower than normal… and breaks some of his more complex combos (ie the 0% margin for error in doing grav xx tempest becomes even harder… i’ve fallen outta that combo more online that I did the entire first 9 years playing.)

Really during laggy situations… any moves that have startup… but then execute very quickly after the startup… are sorta broken. Lag eats the startup like it never happened and then the move just sorta goes off outta seemingly nowhere.

If you really want to look at some moves that are broken with lag… how bout wolvie d,db,b + fp (wolvies teleport slash) or hulks gamma charge (when lag is mid to bad… by the time it even looks like you are doing anything… they are already hit if unblocking… cables ahvb… also 10x worse online than before…)

If I want to play more fun and hilarity…I play with friends.
Otherwise, I play more for keeps with random online people.

I dunno about easier. Ya no switch trick means the start of the match has been reduced to holding up-back, I’ve never been low-shorted out of that. But beyond that it’s so broke. Like not seeing that you’re caught in a hyper grav until you’re already being launched, that’s pretty wack.

And playing some scrub’s glitched jugg and getting unblockable supered while trying to super jump. That shit’s dumb.

I’m not even worried about MSP when I play them now so much as MCP, with people running lagneto til he dies and cable comes in with 5 unblockable meters.

Now that switch glitch is gone… if you just hold up/back… sorry for you… up/back works… up/fwd + very fast fierce attack/call fast/high priority assist… has been fucking mags world up… if they get hit… start your fav combo out of crossup… if they block… you just switched sides so they can’t punish your assist… right after being forced to block it… this also ruins cable AAA as he will fly under your feet… just don’t do this against MSP unless you block instead of fierce… b/c psy can still get you… either way… much better than holding up/back and jumping backward… that will get land you in a block string right off the bat… and one way or another mags = fast enough to cross you up eventually.

I know mags pretty fkin well… and while I never play him in ranked matches… I have used him in plenty of friendlies… and he is… no doubt… weaker online… for one… simple lack of switch glitch means you can sometimes hit him with solid dmg and back him off… before he can go full tilt on your ass. Second… as I mentioned… and believe it or not while you on the other side… but mags combos are not quite as nasty why lag is apparent… people drop you out of grav xx tempest as I said… happens like 50% of the time when I get caught (are you not mashing? its a mashable escape…) also many people dont go for the inf… out of fear that 1 nano second of lag will make em drop you out… they normally instead… at least from what I have seen… just do air combo, d.jump, air combo, grav xx tempest…

Honestly if an online tier list formed up… I wouldn’t be surprised to see mags drop a notch… not much… but a tad… b/c without consistent inf’s… he doesn’t compare to storm, sent, cable…

As far as juggs headcrush on your legs as you try to superjump… that isn’t because of lag… you can do that on the arcade all day long… its a fast damn move… and people become stupid predictable in their superjumping up and down…

in terms of cable AHVB… yea its slightly more mean than it used to be… but not much… it was always stupid good… always came out stupid fast and catches you with your pants down… thats what it does… its just a tad worse now…

To call either move unblockable would be a drasitic overstatement. I block HC 95% of the time… and AHVB prolly 90%… a bit worse than offline? maybe… but not by much.

In my experience, Most random player rooms I’ve played in have had all sorts of low/mid tier teams.

As far as the AHVB goes, it’s a lot better. I play spiral,. and at the arcade I was able to teleport on reaction the AHVB all the time. On XBL, forget it from close, it doesn’t work at all. From far it still works fine.

And jumping at the start of the match… good shit. It solves a lot of issues for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh I have noticed afew people will actually stay in friendlies. However they are few and far between most people will stay if I play a none god tier team, but if I decimate them with it they are usually leave. I understand I guess, they want to have fun but aren’t as concerned about getting good. Where I and I assume most SRKers are more concerned about getting better and playing better people.

Its crazy like, a lot of people have been saying that they have played noobs who go immediately for MSP, MSS, Scrub, Santhrax, ect. But I rarely meet those teams. I think about once with Omelette because I was rolling with Team Napkin but thats about it. Usually mid or low… sometimes Team Suck

uhhh wtf?

timed hit beats a switch glitch. Even if switch was there, it wouldn’t matter if your timing was good. and you’re jumping diagonal @ that? you do realize that jumping diagonal is a slower jump than jump straight up right?

The only reason players are getting away with jumping is because of the damn lag @ the beginning of the match.

if the lag is messing up your input timing on the rom, there’s nothing wrong with constant resets with magneto. The game works online by skipping frames. Its an attempt to make the game “smoother” online and every game does this for online play. Well, the down side to this is that it becomes harder to see where magneto is going because of the frame skip. There’s less visual time to see your opponent and thus, he’s faster. You can’t block reset magneto online consistently with frame skip. Its just not possible. Then add to the fact there’s 1-3 frames of input lag and even if you block him right, the game will add input lag to your block and it possibly won’t come out @ the right time. Blocking hi\lo online is just plain hard.

cable AHVB slightly more mean? you can’t even breath against cable online when he has bar. Its fucking retarded. All scrubs have to do is insert random AHVB’s @ given moments and the probability on hit goes through the roof. Every option you have to move against cable is going to get shot. There’s only 2 inputs that won’t let you get shot online, upbck and sjupbck. Anything else is a chance for cable to shoot you and the 2 inputs I mentioned are only going to move you backwards. You won’t get close to cable if you’re moving backwards…

How do you know they weren’t playing for fun?? Because the chars are TT? Because they’re better than you? You might think ken/guile/akuma is fun, but the person you’re playing against might think that team is boring, as well as other low tier teams.

That’s fine with me, as long as I get some kind of warning. I don’t usually care either way about top tiers, but what pisses me off is when somebody just sits there waiting for me to pick my team, and then they just go Thrax on my Dan/Chun/Hayato (or whatever stupid team I’m dicking around with).

If you’re going to go Top Tier regardless of how shitty my team is, at least pick your character right away, so I get a chance to go, “Oh, look, Cable, I guess I better not put Felicia on point.”

That’s for Player Matches of course. In Ranked, do whatever you damn well please. But in casual games, a little courtesy would be nice.

Why should they warn you of who they’ll pick? Just play whatever team you want, if you don’t like losing to team scrub, santhrax or whoever then step your game up with your low tier team or pick top tier characters. You will always have people waiting for you to pick first. Even when you play the games with blind pick (sf4,HDR) people still sit there and wait for you to choose your characters.

I mean it’s cool if you don’t like playing against those teams, but you gotta look at it from the other side. Maybe the person playing thinks the game is extremely boring playing the low tier characters or can’t play them at all. But the good thing about using your low tier teams vs top tier, you get the chance learn new strats against them, so that it becomes a non-issue in the future. What are you gonna do once all the scrubs stop playing and all you have left are the TT teams to play against?

Make friends, or join the low-tier league.

Wishing complete strangers would play by your rules is not realistic, and quite frankly, a bit selfish.

Its pretty easy to tell if someone is picking low-tier for fun vs. they don’t know what they are doing. For people that don’t know what they are doing I often play low-tier just because it’s more fun to get OCV with Guile or Akuma than Magneto or something (they’ll just RQ on him anyway). Its also good to mirror pick (but with the right assist) to give them some idea of what their team is capable of.


"uhhh wtf?

timed hit beats a switch glitch. Even if switch was there, it wouldn’t matter if your timing was good. and you’re jumping diagonal @ that? you do realize that jumping diagonal is a slower jump than jump straight up right?

The only reason players are getting away with jumping is because of the damn lag @ the beginning of the match.

if the lag is messing up your input timing on the rom, there’s nothing wrong with constant resets with magneto. The game works online by skipping frames. Its an attempt to make the game “smoother” online and every game does this for online play. Well, the down side to this is that it becomes harder to see where magneto is going because of the frame skip. There’s less visual time to see your opponent and thus, he’s faster. You can’t block reset magneto online consistently with frame skip. Its just not possible. Then add to the fact there’s 1-3 frames of input lag and even if you block him right, the game will add input lag to your block and it possibly won’t come out @ the right time. Blocking hi\lo online is just plain hard.

cable AHVB slightly more mean? you can’t even breath against cable online when he has bar. Its fucking retarded. All scrubs have to do is insert random AHVB’s @ given moments and the probability on hit goes through the roof. Every option you have to move against cable is going to get shot. There’s only 2 inputs that won’t let you get shot online, upbck and sjupbck. Anything else is a chance for cable to shoot you and the 2 inputs I mentioned are only going to move you backwards. You won’t get close to cable if you’re moving backwards…"

Well timed to beat out switch hit? I respect what your saying… because its true… and yet how do you beat out a 1 frame attack that some toons have? Pretty sure you don’t… …no matter how good your timing…

I WILL say that everything I am saying comes from my experiance on psn… which unless the opp has terrible connection there is no lag at the start… in fact… there is almost never lag of any kind unless they have bad connection. Which… means the whole match lags not just the start. Honestly… if I sit down at home on my ps3 and play 50 matches in a night… maybe 2 will have lag… maybe…

I use spiral tele to avoid ahvb a lot… same as I do on arcade… and 90% of the time… its just as good… xbox live could be (and did seem at my buddies place) to be much worse in the lag dept. I got at least a couple spikes in almost every xbox live match… and yes… lag at the start of almost every match.

I dunno if its just that psn has a lot less people playing at once or what… but us psn users are apparently not the best to comment on the live lag issues…

but the notion of “only reason people get away with jumping is the lag issue” not true at all… i beat one of the top 8 on psn last night… by starting off the match jumping over his mags head while throwing a 1 frame megaman jab and calling hulk super armor assist… i fly clean over his head and hulk connects from behind land, tornado hold xx hyper mega… mags at 30% in the first 3 seconds of the match…

he could have jumped and possibly traded with megs or beat megs out even… only to then get nailed by hulk… mags cannot do 356 triangle jumps with low mixup in the first 1 second of the match… doesnt matter if you block, jump, spin around in a circle and shit yourself… as long as you are getting the blocks in their proper places or beating out his priority at the right moment… I know you have a lot of knowledge and I respect that… but broad all encompassing statements rarely work out…