PLAY THEM ALL (SFIV/CvS2/MvC2/3S/GGAC) @ LOVEGETY - 09/13/2008 - Toronto Ontario

SvC2? =o

Hey Nagata, I was wondering if they have any tournaments in British Columbia? I’m not disrespecting the Toronto scene but I might be moving to Vancouver next year and I wanted to know if they have any good tournaments there? If you know anything, let me know. The reason why I’m probably moving over there is that there is nothing in Ontario and I want to experience something different. I saw on the SFIV site that they have arcade games of SFIV in Vancouver and I wanted to know about the tournaments there. Thanks and good luck with this tournament just in case we aren’t able to come.:tup:

No offense, but why are you coming in a tournament thread for Ontario players and asking about BC tournaments, when the GTASF has rarely even left the east coast of Canada to hit up tournaments (nothing against the GTASF lol). You should go directly to the source in the Worldwide Matchmaking Boards and ask the 604 crew yourself, though, I don’t know if they hold big tournaments, but with SFIV in their province now, they might hold more.

shud be comin to this.
i’ll be playin ggac for sure
maybe T6 and A3 if im in the mood

i cant wait for mbaa (aka melty blood 2)