PLAY THEM ALL (SFIV/CvS2/MvC2/3S/GGAC) @ LOVEGETY - 09/13/2008 - Toronto Ontario

Everyone should have had at least a chance to get used to Street Fighter IV by this date…

Saturday September 13th, 2008

Lovegety Station
505 Highway #7 East
Richmond Hill
Commerce Gate

Street Fighter IV
Capcom vs SNK 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Guilty Gear Accent Core
Tekken 6

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (8 player minimum in effect)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (8 player minimum in effect)

Main Tournaments = 70/20/10
Side Tournaments = 80/20

3:30pm - Registration begins
4:00pm - Street Fighter IV begins
4:00pm - Super Street Fighter II Turbo begins
5:00pm - Guilty Gear Accent Core begins
5:00pm - Capcom vs SNK 2 begins
6:00pm - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike begins
6:00pm - Marvel vs Capcom 2 begins
6:00pm - Tekken 6 begins
8:00pm - Street Fighter Alpha 3 begins

Street Fighter IV
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Capcom vs SNK 2
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Marvel vs Capcom 2
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Street Fighter III 3rd strike
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Guilty Gear Accent Core
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Tekken 6
$5 entry (Event mode will be turned on)
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Street Fighter Alpha 3
$2 entry
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Super Street Fighter II Turbo
$2 entry
double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

SFIV = Nagata Lock II
MvC2 = ???
CvS2 = ???
3S = ???
GGAC = ???
T6 = ???
A3 = ???
ST = ???

We’re obviously looking for directors. Please volunteer if you are able.

We’re looking to rent the 400 in 1 again. Meaning if you play in any of the tournaments then it will be $2 per game and an additional $3 for the cabinet. All of your games will be on free play. We need 20 players for the cabinet to break even.

We’re looking into getting CvS2 installed for the date of the tournament but there are no guarantees at this point. If management changes its mind or agrees to the install then the original post will be adjusted accordingly.

Some people might have noticed I scrapped a few games from the last Gety tournament like MBAC and KOF98UM. Sadly those games were never able to get off the ground last time around because no one wants to direct and I’d rather not go through the headache. If Gety somehow adds any new fighting games between now and the date of the tournament then we’ll add it to the roster accordingly.

Hope to see everyone there…


lmx can you make it to this tourny? if so i wanna MM you ft5 for $30 in mvc1 on the 400 in 1 machine.

LoL at the tournament name.

if u want cvs2 so bad why dont u just go to pmall

I’m tentatively going to say I’ll come for 3s. I’ll confirm closer to the date.

I’ll make you a deal. When Pacific Mall gets A3/ST/GGAC you let me know and I’ll book a tournament there. Until then I’ll go back to running the scene I’ve been overseeing for five years the way I see fit. Thanks…

For those of us in the GTASF ignorant of how things are and make comments like that, Lovegety has a CvS2 board and elects not to use it. Thus we can get the board if the manager is nice enough.

Your avatar sucks.

:rofl: Right on.

I’ll be there to host AC of course. And here’s hoping for CvS2.

i’m boycotting this tourny out of shear principle.

umm, that is my whole point

the tournament tittle “let’s discriminate against cvs2” makes u sound a little ungreatful of lovegetty’s existence.

instead of being mad at lovegetty management u should be content that it has everything else or u should re-locate instead of being such a sour-puss and be like “oh lets discriminate against cvs2”

I take it back. You’re not ignorant, you’re too dumb to detect the sarcasm that the title is beating everyone over the head with.

When you see the “LOL @ thread title” posts around the forum the light bulb might go off.

Let’s discriminate against lolis!

so ill ask here. subway/bus directions to gety please

Let’s discriminate against black people and make sure they dont enter any tournament

Seriously though, birthday weekend, there is no chance I’ll be there.

lets discriminate against lightbulbs.

so i ask to discriminate against CVS2

who is actually going to join CVS2 AND NOT BAILING? just so i can give the manager some numbers before i go ahead and say X amount and look like an idiot :shake:

where are you coming from? I think the fastest way would be to get on viva tho…

I think i can help with T6 unless anyone from TekkenCanada volunteers _

You’re even more of a dumbass than I gave you credit for.

We should be thankful for loveghetto cause it has game we like to play that we could EASILY play online for free with no lag?

More like they should be thankful people are willing to travel so far out of their own way to give that place business.

the hate is too powerful. Even my uber rep couldn’t get matt out of having his name as his rep.