Play-N-Trade Tournament Circuit, Marlton New Jersey

Long story short, I’m an assistant manager at a gaming store and we run fighting games tournaments every Saturday at 3PM. Not this weekend, but the following one, we’re running SSF4 AE v 2012 and I’m trying to boost up the amount of people that are gonna go. We could really use a larger crowd because as of right now there’s only about 6-8 of us consistently coming out to play. The basics of it are that it costs $5 to enter the tournament, with the winner taking home the total accumulated entry pot in store credit. In the future it may change to cash, include second and third place prizes, but first we need people to come out! If you’re interested, here’s the link for this week’s event. Feel free to join the event and join the group we made via Facebook.

Hopefully we’ll see some more people out there in the near future!