Play 'N Trade MILTON MADNESS Milton's (ON) first ever SF4 tournament!! 04/18/09

Hi there everyone! It looks like we are going to have Milton’s first ever street fighter tournament.

WHERE: Play 'N Trade video games
1155 Maple Avenue, Unit 6 Milton, ON
Phone (905)-864-1768

Get off of the 401 at james snow pkwy, heading south.
Turn right on Main ST.
Turn right on Sinclair.
Follow sinclair untill you hit the galaxy cinema/premiere fitness, its in the same plaza.

WHEN: The tournament will be on saturday the 18th of april starting at 1:00 PM,
Registration will begin at 11:00, please be on time.

REGISTRATION: Registration will be $10.00 if you can please let me know on this forum if you are coming or not.

Double round elimination Best of 3 matches, Finals/semi-finals best of 5 matches
Entry $10
Prizes will be 70%/20%/10% of total entry fee pool.
Please bring exact change if possible i dont know if i’ll have enough change for everyone

Extra info:
-This is the first ever tournament in milton, so i am hoping it will go well, and be followed by many more.
-There will be up to 6 TV’s available for playing on both ps3 and xbox360
-Bring your own stick they wont be provided (i only have my own :frowning: )
-If you want to play with console characters please bring your hard drive, nothing is unlocked on the hard drives in the store (though the one i am bringing has all chars unlocked for 360)
-Any extra copies of sf4 you could bring would be helpful, we dont want to have to open extra games.
-We will be providing tables, and some chairs, however feel free to bring your own.

Anything you wish to add is appreciated, this is my first tourney so i hope it’ll be a good one :P.

Please post if you’re coming, and if you are bringing anything.

PS: any advice on how to run this bad boy to maximum effect let me know at (msn/ email)

PPS: even though it is very late notice, there is a grand opening party from the 3rd to the 5th of april, with tournaments of call of duty 4, halo 3, possibly gears of war and possibly SF4 starting at 12:00 and 3:00pm, come check it out. (i only found out about it today which is why its so late notice :P)