Play magazine ken siu chong interview

i just picked up the january issue of play magazine. its a magazine for gamers for those who dont know, and it features an interview with sf/ds writer ken, and features some ds art work.

it says stuff like how pyron will be the villian for this arc and it focuses on the night warriors saga and the second arc will have jedah and it will feature the vampire savior saga.

they talked about the darker tone, character development, capcom fighting jam, possbile crossovers etc.

speaking of darker mature tone, i wouldnt mind seeing SF take this route. i think it would be much more appealing with a serious image.

I liked how Ken Siu-Chong stated how the Darkstalkers would DESTROY the Street Fighters in a fight. It’s what I’ve been saying on this forum all along.

and when did anyone doubt you,lol?

but we all know that megaman
owns all capcom ass

Darkstalkers > Guilty Gear > King of Fighters = Street Fighter > Mortal Kombat

i dont gettit?
but if you are suggesting mortal kombat is better than street fighter…i’ll have to do that move on you that akuma does on bison that sends him to hell.

This is the greater than sign


this is the lesser than sign


When was I doubted? Pretty much everytime I said DS>SF on this Forum, LOL!

Nah, Megaman’s gotten punked a few times. Protoman and Duo have both bailed him out of jams in the past. Not to mention it’s heavily conjectured but never flat out stated Zero kills him.

I think Dante is the strongest person Capcom has myself. Unlimited ammo, can walk off a lightning bolt attack, can hold his breath underwater for a long time, can walk around with swords in his body and heal up, defeated Mundis who is supposed to represent Satan and not to mention, his Demon Mode. At the very least, he’s a great match for Darkstalkers.

On Topic - I liked how Ken Siu-Chong talked about working on CFE too. That was cool!

Power ratings

Cosmic Level

Half the cast of Darkstalkers go here and maybe Date since he beat Mundis who’s the representation of Satan.

High end Dragon Ball Z level ( Cell Saga / Buu Saga)

Half the Cast of Guilty Gear go here

Low level Dragon Ball

1st Tier Sfer’s go here

1st Tier King of fighters go here

Spider-man Level

Half the cast of SF go here

half the cast of King of fighters go here

Power rating’s qualifications


to qualified for Cosmic

Characters must have beating a being who can destory galaxies or a representation of Satan.

to qualified For High end Level Dragon Ball Z

Characters must be able to Destory citys or the world 10 times over

to qualified For Low level Dragon Ball

Characters must have Destory a Mountain, a island , survived under deep ocean, while under deep ocean blast a sunking ship to the surface and etc.

To Qualified for Spider-man Level

Characters must be able to Dodge Bullets, Live through Cyclones, Kll Elephant’s in one blow, Taking on Grizzly Bears and Etc.

facts about bears

a 1,500 pound Bear’s Punching force is 4,500lbs per square inch

a Grizzly bear / Polar Bear’s Bite force is 1600-2000lbs per square inch.

a bear’s bone density is equivalent to the density of steel, but far stronger

bears in Russia ranging in about 1,500 pounds or more !

just for Fun Turk Level

to qualified for Turk Level Characters must have gotting their asses beating by a old lady in a wheel chair or a house fly and etc

Turk = Joke Rating

Turk is a character from Daredevil.


what about viewtiful joe? he has kick ass powers,

he can slow down time, speed things up, zoom in and deal heavy damage.

and he has the attitude that owns all.

henshin a go go baby.

that would make a great manga or comic. serious.

Sagatryu speaks the truth. <3Guilty Gear<3
Sol Badguy/Justice > Akuma/Bison/Gill

Oh, and Thor could TOTALLY beat up Superman.

This is like being back in college :glad:

Well. I still haven’t played Viewtiful Joe 2 yet but Viewtiful Joe lacks super stregnth to deal with a lot of the heavy hitters. Now if he climbs in his Six Machine Giant Mecha, that’s another story all together. I still think Dante and the Darkstalkers would make short work of him either way. Outside of the Mech, Megaman and some very strong SFers would defeat him I think… man, with all of Joe’s cooky moves it’s hard to think of him seriously in terms of these match ups. :lol:

Note that in Guilty Gear, The Man > Sol Badguy > Justice. Since of course Sol Badguy defeated Justice and all. And Sol still can’t touch The Man, not yet anyway. Here’s a great Site to read up on Guilty Gear if you’ve never seen it.

I agree that Thor can beat Superman, unfortunatly in the Avengers/JLA crossover, Superman won. :tdown: But at least Thor felt that he knew what Superman was all about now and he would defeat him if they ever fought again. Still, seems more like a respect thing than anything. I don’t think a creator is going to make the world’s first Super Hero, the reason why Comic Books thrive today (if there were no Super Heroes, comics would be gone) loose to a character from another company. But I do wish their fight was more drawn out. Oh well, I still say Avengers/JLA was the best comic book crossover ever, not everything can be perfect.

Kinda off topic but I’ve always wondered about this, who’d win in a fight Goku or superman? I know supes can’t launch energy blasts but he’s got that laser eye thing and I’m sure if he trained he could learn the kamekameha. What do y’all think?

Oh, there’s a mini fan fic featured it in the last comic book issue of Dragon Ball Z as a fairwell present that has Goku and Superman! I’ll post it here, it rules!

I think Goku wins. Strength and speed are more or less equal, (depending on whose writing for Superman at the time) but Superman’s eye beam can’t hang with ki blasts that can potentially destroy the Earth. Goku is a genious at fighting. He’ll always figure out a way to defeat an opponent through his fists/talents. Superman’s smart too, but not in terms of fighting where he’ll rely mostly on his powers. That’s my take on it.

but if you don’t agree that eveyone and his Grandmother can beat Turk than your just silly.


Oh and Pre-Crisis Darkseid ( not Jobberseid) kicks both their asses

here’s a list of Omega effect’s abilities

Here’s that Superman/Dragon Ball Z Mini Fan Fic as it appeared in the comic book issue of Dragon Ball Z Part 5 Number 10 from Viz!

“This fan-fiction has been sitting around the Viz files for literally years, but since this is the last issue of DBZ, we hereby present this Superman/Dragon Ball Z crossover (possibly inspired by Dragon Ball’s “Suppaman”?) (Apparently Anime Invasion is doing their own version of this fight.) Needless to say, this is a complete work of satire and is totally unauthorized by either DC or Shuiesha. This outline will NEVER EVER appear as an actual comic, so don’t even ask.”


"The story begins in the Golden Age DC universe, in Metropolis. Lex Luthor opens a dimensional gateway which coincidentally leads to the Dragon Ball universe. In the DB universe, the opening of the gateway causes Piccolo to revert to his evil personality (why not?). Lex Luthor invited Piccolo over to the DC universe so he can defeat Superman, and Piccolo goes along in order to take over the DC universe. Meanwhile, some extradimensional villain with mysterious motives (hitherto referred to as “the new villain” -all that’s important is his name has to be a bad pun) is awakened by the gateway and sneaks through the gateway to Earth.

Piccolo arrives in Metropolis and starts causing trouble. He is challenged by Superman. They have the same power level (they both fire eye beams at one another and collide in midair, etc.) Piccolo retreats temporarily to a remote corner of Earth.

Goku arrives on Earth looking for Piccolo, along with a few of the subsidiary DB characters (thankfully, Gohan, Goten and Trunks are in school). Poccolo and the new villain meet up. Togeher they arrange for Superman and Goku to get in a fight following super-hero team up convention, during which Superman is more powerful than Goku, until Goku turns into a Super Saiyan, whereupon Goku starts to gradually defeat Superman. When they’re both caught off guard, though, and before any “who-is-stronger” questions are resolved, they’re both incinerated in a surprise blast by the new villain.

Piccolo uses his authority as the Daimo (Great Demon King) to have Superman and Goku sent to Hell instead of Heaven, where they would normally go. They both show up in the DC universe Hell with Halos around their heads, DB style. Thery are immediately jumped by demons, but easily defeated them by flicking them with one finger, etc.

Piccolo announces that he is the ruler of the new world. The heroes from the DB universe make a head-on assault against Piccolo and the new villain, but are defeated. Piccolo demonstrates his growing ki by cracking his knuckles and causing city blocks to explode. The good guys decide to stall for time until Bulma can gather the Dragon Balls to bring Goku and Superman back from the dead. All the DC characters try unsuccessfully to boast how buff Superman is (“He can squeeze coal into diamonds!”, etc) To buy time, Oolong is forced to transform into Superman (a very fat Superman) and show up in Metropolis, claiming that he’s back from the dead.

While in Hell, Goku and Superman become friends and “compare powers.” Superman demonstrates his super-speed by repairing a computer form the ground up in nanoseconds, for example (as in the Superman/Spider-Man Crossover), and when he’s done, Goku has already gone to a take-out restaurant, brought back some food and is eating lunch (“I can do that too, I just don’t bother very often.”) Goku explains the concept of ki to Superman, and starts to train him to take advantage of his full potential. Superman and Goku train by doing the sorts of tasks which people are condemned to do in Hell (helping Sisyphus push a boulder to the top of a hill, etc.)

Sensing what Superman and Goku are doing, Piccolo gets a bunch of DC villains (Doomsday, etc.) together on some pretense and kills them so they’ll go to Hell and beat up Superman and Goku there. However, thanks to his new training, Superman is able to defeat them easily. Sensing how strong the heroes are getting, the new villain puts Lex Luthor to work on a mysterious project. (The subplot begins!)

The new villain reveals his true purpose in coming to Earth: to find the Kryptonian Dragon Balls, which were sent to earth along with Superman, and which are hidden in a back corner of the trophy room in the Fortress of Solitude! Before the new villain can find all the Kryptonian Dragon Balls, Piccolo realizes what’s up and turns against him. He and Piccolo have a big fight in Metropolis, during which mass destruction is wreaked. The new villain defeats Piccolo, making him his mind controlled lackey, like in every DBZ movie."

To be continued.

what makes the DS people so strong???

  • continuing.

"Vegeta, all Super-Saiyaned out, charges through the gateway from the DB universe towards the Earth to beat the hell out of Piccolo and the other guy. The new villain moves the battle into outer space and Vegeta and the new villain destroy the moon by activating their battle-auras. Before it can be resolved which one of them is stronger, though, a mysterious rocket is fired at Vegeta from Earth which inexplicably causes him to suddenly weaken and regress into normal mode. The new villain leaves Vegeta for dead and goes back to Earth. (The subplot thickens!)

The surviving DB and DC heroes get the regular Dragon Balls together and wish for Superman and Goku to come back to life. However, only Superman returns, since Goku has already been bought back once by those Dragon Balls.

The new villain gets the last Kryptonian Dragon Ball from Clark Kent’s parents’ farm and is about to make his wish when the newly powered-up Superman appears and attacks him, knocking him out of Metropolis with one blow and sending him flying around the inside of the stratosphere so fast that the friction burns a huge hole in the Earth’s atmosphere. Superman then defeats Piccolo, who returns to normal. The new villain recovers, however, and they keep fighting. Superman seems to be winning, until the new villain “unexpectedly” transforms. He demonstrates his power by concentrating and splitting atoms between his index finger and thumb, causing nuclear explosions (“so you can crush coal into diamonds, eh?”) He defeats Superman and hits him with a blast so powerful that he is knocked through the gateway into the DB universe, destroying the gateway in the process.

The new villain tries to make his wish on the Kryptonian Dragon Balls but nothing happens-the wish has to be made in Kryptonian, of course! Out of frustration, the new villain decides to destroy the Earth. In the DB universe, Superman still alive and desperately trying to get back to the DC universe to save everybody-meets Kaio-Shin, who gives him the Fusion Earrings.

The Phantom Stranger or some other supernatural DC character appears in Hell and gets Goku out sans Dragon Balls. Goku appears on Earth and starts fighting the new villain. Suddenly, the new villain brings out a substance which causes Goku to revert to normal mode and suddenly go weak! Lex Luthor has invented Saiyanite, the rare substance which does for Saiyans what Kryptonite does for Superman! Goku is powerless to resist as the villain prepares to destroy him and Earth.

Lex Luthor tries to re-open the dimensional gateway so Superman can help Goku, but is only able to open a small opening a few inches wide. Superman throws Goku one of the Fusion Earrings through the opening and Superman and Goku fuse into a single, even more powerful hero! The new Super Saiyaman disdainfully vaporizes the Saiyanite with one fireball. He attacks the new villain and easily pumels him for a few pages. However, before the hero/heroes can defeat the new villain, the villain concentrates his power to destroy the atoms of the Fusion Earring. Superman and Goku split into two people again but keep fighting as a team. Superman reveals the result of all his training with Goku: the Super-Kamehameha. They are able to pin but not defeat the villain.

Together, Goku and Superman power up, ascends into space and starts to charge up for a huge dual fireball to destroy the new villain. The villain sees what’s happening and flees to the other side of the planet. Goku shouts that he can’t stop the fireball once it’s started and that if it doesn’t hit the villain it will destroy the Earth (And both sets of Dragon Balls, which are somewhere down on the Earth’s surface). Superman gives the fireball to Goku, zooms into space and uses his super-strength to rotate the Earth, a la the first Superman movie, so that the villain is in Goku’s line of fire. Goku fires the blast and destroys the villain.

Supeman gets the Kryptonian Dragon Balls and wishes in Kryptonian for everyone to come back to life and the Earth to be fixed. Superman and Goku shake hands, the universe is saved, and the DB heroes go back to their univers. Ta-daa!"

Written by Alistair Toth. San Francisco, CA

Ah… can’t… get into this… again… LOL! Read the Thread this Link will take you to in it’s entirety. :tup:

Didn’t read it all, but I can see how some can over power them, like, the blink, and ppl are on fire,

its just so hard to accept… :sad:
go class C…