people have the idea that winning the gg team tournament at showdown championships entitles the team to pz’s gg SBO spot. if you read the rules of the qualifier it doesn’t say this at all.
this says that emotiongear never confirmed to zinac that he was going to SBO on pz’s gg team. ranma and kensou did give him the impression though, that this was the case… unfortunately they don’t have any official weight in pz’s decisions [as far as i know].
ninja edit: it’s my understanding that SBO knows exactly how john is using his gg spot. emailing them would probably just end with you embarrassing yourself and hurting the possibility for pz/other american contacts to get more tournament-spots in the future
i heard that somebody contacted sbo about pz’s sbo-spot rules a month or two ago. the only result was that some people wasted their time and energy and pzjohn had a good laugh about it. :wasted:
Other issues here that there was apparently a hidden rule that “A PZ rep must be on the team and go to Japan” which is one of the many excuses Zinac has been getting as to why he wasn’t on the team. This would not have been as big of an issue if this supposed rule was stated clearly and publically from the very beginning. From an outside perspective it just seems like Emogear is trying to hook up a friend with a trip to Japan.
There really isn’t any reason he should be doing this, end of story. Zinac earned his spot, just like his other two teammates did. There should be no exceptions to this.
haha i haven’t sat on a forum and hit refresh every 2 minutes in a long time. feel like such a loser.
yeah, this is a bad excuse, and i think it’s bullshit too. it was also something that kensou told zinac- which makes it an unofficial comment.
also, nobody is being hooked up with a trip to japan. from what i’ve heard, the players are paying for themselves.
this is your opinion. the SC gg team tournament was not an sbo qualifier. players’ performances from the tournament are being factored in to deciding who will be chosen, but that’s it. the “qualifier” (i shouldn’t even call it a qualifier) is a separate contest.
LOL, Ya I can’t believe this mess that’s going on. I really thought this arcade was amazing for fighting games but I can’t believe the actions of it’s owner. This has to be fraud.
this shouldn’t really be focused on (and i probably shouldn’t have made the original comment at all), since it’s based on hearsay
FFA and the qual at MWC aren’t paying for trips either…
luckily those winners will be getting some support from players and tournament organizers from fund raisers… maybe somebody in tx could run a charity tournament to help pz’s team… i personally don’t care enough
in any case, it’s nobody’s decision to give the spots to anybody else (aside from SBO i guess). rep’s from pz went to japan and secured the spots for themselves.
I like how people talk about boycotting PZ, but 90% of you have never been to PZ. I’m not defending EmotionGear, I’m just saying, it’s a stupid thing to ‘boycott’ imo.
<zinac> "Eh? What is Alphaism radio?
<zinac> I just got back into the country. I’m not sure what is unfair here. I’m not even sure whats going on. What do you want me to comment about? The SBO team? It’s not finalized yet.
<zinac> The guys are working on it, I’m handling executive matters.
<zinac> It will come down to skill, attitude and character, kinda like sponsored athletes. The sponsor also has some say.
<zinac> Winning Showdown does not guarantee anyone a spot, it was stated in the rules. Noone ‘earned’ anything.
<zinac> Coming here, being rude and demanding things be like how you want them to be doesnt help any.
<zinac> Noone has been and will be scammed here.
<zinac> "
<Bunkei> Ranma0005 (6:37:08 PM): i’ve always tried to do what i can for the community. in essence there almost wasn’t a spot at all. i know some people have said they would rather not have a spot at all if things like this happen, but that doesn’t help anybody. if this were a qualifier like at mwc or family fun, then yes he would have earned a spot.
<Bunkei> however this is not that format. so unfortunately, he did not earn a guaranteed spot. i would trust gamers to be more educated and read the rule set before automatically assuming things. also, it isn’t true that the spots weren’t open to everybody, 2 out of the 3 spots were open. if anybody had any questions, they could have asked me, either on aim, e-mail, pm
<Bunkei> was contacted immediately after by jais and raekwon, but received nothing from zinac. the one thing i asked from everybody was to send me their contact info after the event. it may seem like a trivial thing, but like its stated in the thread, anything can be used as part of the interview process. almost like failing to send in a resume for a job.
<Bunkei> as for the selection process, there were 3 judges, i was one. as for speaking out, i can only do my part. but i am not a majority.
FYI, NOWHERE did it say that “2 of the 3 spots are open” or anything; the rules were posted on mashharder, but Emogear deleted them after the tournament ended. And there never was a formal interview…turns out the “interview” was every little thing you did that they noticed.
“i would trust gamers to be more educated”…fuck you, Chris Chou. Either you are a scumbag or you enthusiastically follow orders from scumbags.
also, friendly reminder that these guys knowingly scheduled showdown close to final round and didn’t post the qualifier on dustloop until like a month before
EDIT: and made up lies about arturo overstaying his visa and the US 3s team causing trouble, in order to justify this whole “interview” idea