Pittsburgh: We got balls for days!

Hey everybody, not new to the area but I’m like 27 and running out of legitimate reasons to continue grinding away at fighting games non-socially. I love fighters, the FGC, and the general" scene" always seems so exciting/entertaining/positive to me, but everything is so far away… so lets be social!

I play Marvel, JJBA, and AE2012 mainly, but I can most def get down with many others.

Where do I start my journey friends, what’s local?
(If this thread is still alive that is)

Sup. Unfortunately, our Facebook group kinda cannibalized all the traffic in this thread. I blame Zuckerberg.

We’re still meeting Thursdays at CMU. The info on the first post is still valid.

So I already mentioned this on CMUken on facebook, but if anyone ever wants to play some melty blood with me, nearly every day is open for me. I am new to the area (well, I lived here before…er, it’s a long story ) and don’t have a vehicle, so the only times i can go to CMU currently is when Bobby has off from work, or if anyone lives by Mt. oliver/Mt. washington and wouldn’t mind taking me. I am coming from the melee community but I really want to learn and grow as an all around fighting game player.

I was just watching NCR stream and surprisingly saw TJ on it. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?

Yep, it’s that TJ. He went to Tucson to meet with buddies there and they went to NCR together.

Nate, the short and weak control the big and burly with debt. Debt sucks more than getting owned in an English test. Also I need someone to play Steam games with, preferably Monaco.

I forget about this thread. Then remember it.

Pot bonuses for marvel/Ae/ and injustice

randomly found these vids

miss you guys

We’re so freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :<

You should actually join our facebook group, we’re actually active there lol


A- Ranbats are still on the 22nd, right? Hamburg? Time?
2- Jason, I hear you wanna FT5. Let’s FT5 at Ranbats.
III- Since I’m a punk and didn’t make it to JT’s kumite, I wanna play him in a challenge at ranbats if possible. Boss-san give us permission!
Four- I miss you guys
5th- Me, always.

Ranbats are happening the 22nd. Hamburg 1000. Starting at 6pm.

Nope, don’t have time to run side stuff at ranbats, maybe casually. Definitely off-stream.

If you’re not on Facebook anymore, either follow us on @CMUken or PM me your email and I’ll add you to the mailing list.

Aw well. I’ll see everyone there.

why are people actually posting on shoryuken


Because I don’t use Facebook anymore! Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh!!!

lets get hyped!

our sponsors is offering bonuses for TTT2 and UMVC3 and other prizes :slight_smile:

wait SRK is still alive and people still post?


what’s SRK?

Huh…? WHAT!? Where am I?

Go make a remake your facebook account shane :<