PinoAB7 vs Hayao

Newly uploaded footage


please don’t post misleading vids :frowning:

you jack ass… another 2k9 member fuckin it up for the rest of 'em


well, he is an early 08, but anywho. Go die in a fire please OP =]

whooops, good eye. automatically assumed that… i saw feb and jumped the gun…

good head on your shoulders 2k9 elite

ha, thanks IP, if you don’t mind me shortening your handle to that. We need to liven this board up! It be nice if more necro players were being used in the SBO qualifiers.

if i was aware of all this SBO shit going on I would have tooken the train after work to go to some of the qualifiers…

i quit 3s and CVS2 for sf4, so a am in no shape to play competitive for at least 6 months. I havent even touched my sticks or watched tv for like 3 weeks now…

penalties of having kids.

ahhh. I can’t give up 3s. I love this game way too much. I started slacking on 4 but i’m going to get back into it.

'well…some OLD Pino matches were uploaded on YT, but 1 was already there. There seems to be perhaps a NEW JP player calling himself Ikeyama, who uploaded his own matches. 1 was against a CURRENT JP player–Furo; the Yang player. I’d like to see how he handles Yuns/Chuns and others :stuck_out_tongue:

that yang sucked and so did that necro… but i am rusty now, so it might take like 2 hours to get back in shape.

might have to start getting on GGPO sometimes.

I can pass on little notes about necro that I’ve learned. What do you wanna know?

I saw in this one video of necro vs urien. The necro used b.FP to launch him then db. hp to keep juggling him for 6 hits. is that character specific? one final thing, what are some good follow ups from that launcher. i only use the db.fp or

lol people always make this question …yeah work only on …alex hugo and urien
i can’t understand well your question …but i think you mean about a way to do bd.fiercex6

a good way of do (and the most people not know) is do a c.lkxxsa3 in the corner (only on hugo/urien) …you need hit him in the max range (work to with s.strong) if you do right you can get db.fiercex5>s.jab(for urien) or b.forward(for hugo)

second way to do bd.fierce is when you do jab tornado hook in the corner and bd.fiercex3>b.forward (only on hugo/alex) on alex you can do bd.fiercex2 and sa3 for do stun damage

3rd way of do is a b.fierce in the corner and do bd.fiercex3>s.jab (for urien) or b.foward(for alex /hugo) ofcourse you can do bd.fiercex2 and sa3 on alex (i have more stuffs with sa2 but is impractical). i have a good tip to do this …a good way is try hit oponent very early when he is fallen from the b.fierce

the last way (out side and bd.fierce way) is do a snake fang near of the corner …on alex you can get db.fiercex6>b.forward or bd.fiercex5>sa3…on hugo you need do a jab tornado hook first and do bd.fiercex3>b.forward …on urien you can do nothing because urien fallen so fast

I’m scared of your Necro. =[

Be my mentor please :pray:

If either of you two have 2df, play me in it. I go by the same handle as I do here on SRK. My corner game needs A LOT of work.

Sorry for not being clear with my question by the way. What I was asking was; After I hit them with b.fierce what else can I do besides db.fierce or b.roundhouse. This is for every character by the way, not just alex, hugo, and urien. If i can find a youtube video that explains what I mean then I will post it.

EDIT: btw IparryU, I can’t get ggpo to work on my computer but if you get 2df we should play.

b. hp ->

  1. (walk up) -> s. lp(resets) -> dash (crosses up) -> b. mk -> mp. tornado xx sa3
  2. (walk up) -> s. lp(resets) -> dash (crosses up) -> c. lk -> lp. denpa xx sa3
  3. (walk up) -> s. lp(resets) -> dash (crosses up) -> throw OR b. hp -> whatever
  4. b. rh -> dash -> c. lk xx sa3 OR kara’d UOH(mp~mk) xx sa3
  5. lp denpa -> dash under -> dash x2 (crosses up if they quick roll) -> b. mk -> mp tornado hook [Works on Chun, yun, yang I believe]

b. hp ->

  1. b. rh (reset) -> UOH (whiff) ->

A) b. lk -> s. mp xx sa3 OR
B) dash back -> sa3 OR
C) throw OR
D) b. hp (beats throws)

2) b. rh (reset) -> wait -> UOH (hits meaty) xx sa3

I dunno, go crazy and have fun. Db. hp and b. rh are guaranteed damage/stun though.

well, unlock your ports…

i dont know what 2df is, to be honest, i havent even played SF in like a month. my son just dont give me any time to play anymore. damn kids, should have used the pull out method…


but if you can see my avatar, my son is already enjoying my hori. he can mash buttons and move the stick, just not anything effective yet. when he gets better, i will teach him necro and gouki :slight_smile:

It’s a thing like GGPO. I have all my ports unlocked, it just refuses to work. it stays on the log in screen. A damn shame really.

Good stuff with your son. he seems to have an awesome future ahead of him.