I mostly use Seth and I my win ratio has been mostly above 60 percent lately. Yes, I win most of the time with him. If you suck with Seth, you just suck.
Edit: Is this about Seth in Ultra or AE 2012 Seth?
I mostly use Seth and I my win ratio has been mostly above 60 percent lately. Yes, I win most of the time with him. If you suck with Seth, you just suck.
Edit: Is this about Seth in Ultra or AE 2012 Seth?
Ultimately I don’t think Seth is viable without having a secondary anymore. I’m not dropping him to Dee Jay tier but you need a sub if you want to win. Tanden cancel was the tipping point imo.
Also re-reading it, you probably won’t get to do cr.MP xx HK/EX Hyakuretsu. Since they took away 2f from recovery (yeah…brain fart.)
Yo what if they changed cr.MP just so the CH frames matched up??? Or maybe CH cr.MP combos are easier too (and CH cr.MP, cr.HK but who gives a shit about that.)
If the cr.MP buff would mean that SB is a bit safer when used to chip i’d actually be quite happy, apart from the combo possibilities.
I for one often relied on the DP fadc “mixup”, which is scrubby i know, but i did it because i lacked a well trained pressure game and that was the easiest way out. The changes could actually force me to step my game up.
(+ as GamerBee said in an Interview, I already tried to confirm the hit on DP by holding FA longer before deciding for backdash or forward dash and the stomps can still easily connect)
On the other hand I always played a bit more passive than the usual seth. So I don’t know, the flower of hope reblossomed inside my heart.
Just not as my main. ^^ I’m not delusional.
Ugh, reading anything regarding seth and looking at the comments on EH is infuriating.
People just don’t know anything about the character.
More of a psychological attempt to get that off my chest, feel free to ignore this post.
I think Seth is back to zoning with rushdown mixed at appropriate moments. I think Seth will roll with U1 and establish an early lead that he will want to hold onto. EX will be spent on spd’s or maybe 3/4 screen supers along with U1 punishes. Any thoughts?
That is basically they way I already played him up till now. It’s just hard to keep the lifelead with low health and Seth isn’t really a zoning character, but to quote Combofiend here: " Seth players will have to play smarter now." - or in other words more defensive with our few defensive tools ^^
Sadly Seth’s opponents won’t be forced to also play smarter against him… and that’s my biggest issue about the changes, but moving on!
I could see it work out, the Stomp buff means we can hit the corner bnb more consistent even on the chars we had problems with (Cammy, Guy etc.) and also it might be possible to get full stomps after DP trade (which seems to be happening more often because of invincibility nerf) similar to Sagat with fw+HK, but thats hypothetical, because i have no idea how big the hitbox buff was and if it will even hit. But we know that it was possible with LP.DP trade so it might work with HP.DP trade now.
(also inst. Overhead on crouchers into crossup, i tested it on bison in ae 2012 and after cr.lk, cr.lp blockstring you had to make a small step foward for it to connect, if the hitbox buff is sufficient it might work without it)
cr.MP buff could mean that cr.MP, cl.st.HP is a possible Combo after Tanden on every character! So no more cl.st.MP, cl.st.HP character specifics.
Apart from that i share Doopliss opinion, more EX Tatsu in combos for the stun and more EX moves in general but I would pick Double Ultra.
I think it’s safe to asume that you can land an Ultra every round either in corner combo or as a punish. The 25% damage loss isn’t really an issue because we haven’t had high damaging ultras to begin with. It would also cover the possibilities of chip with U2.
But I will still switch mains, because I do not think it is possible to have a solid gameplan with Seth and in my opinion that will be crucial in Ultra.
Dunno why EX SPD keeps getting mentioned; they said all versions of SPD have lost 50 stun. Still a good move but there is no reason to use it more often than one does in 2012. EX DP is still probably the best DP in the game thankfully; they also left the FADC properties on it unchanged AFAIK. EX Hyakuretsu trade off is still kind of questionable to me. Really depends if the character has less than 1000 stun.
They said they buffed U2 to make it “easier” to connect with. This is like the most garbage way of describing a buff, but if they buffed the hit box it could be more useful as a fireball trap. Otherwise they probably just upped the JP which I guess is nice if you like to style. Seth will still play the same imo but now he has problems at mid-range and keeping pressure going without meter. I think they were trying to make fst.HP offset his midrange problem but 30f of recovery is just too slow. There’s really nothing to make up for the pressure loss; you’re just kinda forced to use raw Tanden or two bars on EX Tanden/Boom FADC now. U1/Super trap comebacks are indirectly nerfed by DWU so you probably won’t get as many explosive comebacks either.
Hopeful about cr.MP, st.HP but cst.MP, cst.HP is still far more damaging.
Yeah that’s true, but it would buff the damage on characters cl.st.MP doesn’t work on.
I didn’t mean ex SPD in my post but EX Tatsu, Tanden and DP for the reasons you and doopliss mentioned.
So more meter management necessary. Hearing a PogChamp Hyuk in the distance
I find the f.st.HP Buff half-assed it will still leave Seth vulnerable when he drops his combos because he is not close enough and can easily be punished when they read it and jump at him. I think they just wanted him not to be punished by ultras and such and haven’t had his midrange game in mind at all, still not sure what to do there, has always been my weakest game…
As for the U1/Sonic Boom mixup im not sure if we can’t make them work, because recovery on U1 has been reduced. Might still be possible
to rework the setup to catch both normal and delayed WU.
But depending on what 10 Frames (even though it says 66F -> 55F) less recovery mean exactly.
Eh, give him 50 more life and call it a day. 850 life / 900 stun would make him tougher than Akuma by 50 stun.
True, but i’d rather take a walkspeed buff
Interesting. That is how I use Seth for the most part in AE 2012.
My play style with Seth changes depending on the opponent. I can be really defensive and block all day and evade, or I can be really aggressive and kill you in in 15 seconds or less, or it’s a combo of both aggressive and defensive.
With Seth’s Ultra 1 combined with red focus, the chances of punishing someone with ultra 1 will increase, therefore he can become very dangerous.
To really use much of Seth’s potential you must use his versatility to your advantage.
Tho the setup after U1 is gone because of DWU, it was one of Seth’s best mixup. Got a few questions regarding Seth in Ultra, with more active frames on stomps does it mean that his main bnb will now work on Cody, Adon and Dudley? I know you can do lp srk x 2 into stomps but the mixup is better for the regular bnb. With the buff to his far st.hp are you still going to get punished by Dhalsim when using this move?
With his improved cr.mp will be easier to combo into sonic boom? I know for the moment it is character specific, c.lk - c.lp - cr.mp - sonic boom doesn’t work on the majority of the cast.
I have to say that I really liked having to time my stomps, in previous versions it was kinda braindead as you didn’t really have to time them properly. I also hope that srk fadc stomps will work better on Cody, Gief and a few other chars.
Cody/Adon/Dudley: Dunno but try MP DP x2 into stomps instead.
fst.HP buff: The free limb punishes? No, not anymore.
cr.MP xx Boom: Probably not. The 2f recovery buff means there are 2 less frames to cancel as well.
You will still have to time stomps, 1f won’t make them super ezmode. Active until ground vs 4f is like…well, still probably a 10f+ difference for what we used them for.
I think everybody saw it already, the new desk combo video features seth cr.MPx3 against dhalsim after a CROSSUP!
soooooo fly, don’t even need the TE to combo that. Damage looks really good on that too. Can’t wait for wednesday…
Dhalsim has a pretty wide hitbox though. c.MPx3 is gonna be character specific, at least after a cross-up.
Of course but it indicates that it could hit more character with deep jump in, SB fadc or TE which is really nice.
Problem is, it only does 50 damage. It will probably not be worth doing it trice outside of hitconfirm situations. And I’ve noticed that (as a general rule) to get a decent stun output, you need to keep most of your moves at over 100 stun in any given combo.
I don’t understand that second part, do you mean in a free punish situation combo every normal, special needs a stun value above 100 or equal 100 and above? Please explain, would sooo like to test that now ^^
Okay then if cr.mp x3 is not worth it, the possibility to land it could result in cl.st.mp,cr.mp x 2 also working or different combinations like cr.mp,cr.mp,f.st.lp confirms.
cr.mp, cr.mk counterhit setups obviously and/or stopping between the second and third cr.mp to go for a command grab or bait.
I’m being theoretical here as always but think those options could be highly benefical at close range provided that we can still get in with the slightly nerfed divekick and that cursed midrange game! My nemesis…
To do a decent amount of stun, that’s pretty much it, yes. When I was trying to optimalize combos to instantly stun for various combo videos, I often came to the conclusion that I needed to land some moves with more than 100 stun to make it work for me. The exception is if you’re able to deal like 650 stun with the first three moves. The prime example is Gen. Even if the first two moves deal 450 stun, you’ll never reach 850 unless you get some moves with more than 100 stun in there. Problem is, he has no meterless mid-combo tools that deal more than 100 stun.
On the note of Seth though, c.MPx3 to MK Tatsu will be better than our usual lights into c.MP though, that’s for sure.