Petition to recognize esports as legitimate sports in the U.S. to solve denial of entry

Cheerleaders not being considered athletes has more to do with money than anything else. Good chunks of it are dangerous as all fuck and the injuries are legit. Similar to dances in that regard: their injuries are devastating.

too be fair i don’t see many actual players doing that it seems to come mostly from their fans.

I need them hoes to do the splits on this dic @WTF-AKUMA-HAX @SNAAAAKE

I don’t care what you call yourself, but if you use the terms “e-sports”, “athlete”, “competitive Smash Bros”, or “Free Leffen” and expect me to not spontaneously burst into pointing and laughing in your general direction, you’re as deluded as the clowns that thought Bayonetta was actually broken in Smash 4.

The Smash community (and e-sports dickriders in general) are some of the most self-entitled, delusional, stinky, and irritating fuckwits I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with, and I actually enjoy those games, despite having to endure some of the shittiest rules this side of an elementary school game of pretend fighting.

So yes, all you “e-sports” fuckwits need to sit all the way down and shut the fuck up.

If it was considered athletics, then it would become subject to the same funding as other athletics departments. Think about that. That’s a lot of god damned money.

And you can’t fucking bet on cheerleading. :mad:

I’d consider Cheerleaders athletes long before any videogame player who looks like Justin Wong AKA the majority of us, myself and my fat stomach included and if you’re not fat like the rest of us due to workin out being active then your athleticism isn’t linked to your gaming.

I don’t mind calling games a sport (tho esport is a fucking retarded term) be they chess, checkers, or videogames because to me a sport is any game you get paid to play, but i’ll never in a million years call a gamer an athlete because he plays games be the game videogames or chess or checkers or fucking golf, so on and so fourth.

That’s the fans mostly, IMO.

They see people playing SF at a high level and think they can do it because they know how to do a dragon punch finally after 3 months of playing.

When I watch Street Fighter, I’m pretty sure I’m watching something vastly different than what 99% of the viewership thinks they’re watching. And I’m a fucking scrub. These games are highly accessible and hugely inaccessible, all at the same time.


I’m not disagreeing and I think it’s stupid to consider video games as an actual sport but you have to consider what they’re trying to do here. They’re trying to make competition better and allow players to travel with ease. They have to get competitive video games to be called a sport in order for this to happen.

@Manx I saw you disagreed with this post. I’ve actually seen this happen. If EVO began drug testing it would be a shit show.

Yes, but the drugs alone aren’t going to suddenly make you Evo finals material.

you ever watch an MLG event? the commentators are the biggest perpetrators

Lets be honest, only drugs can make a dude sit in one place and pratice “combos” all day like these motherfuckers do. Idk about smash, I don’t think they have actual combos that don’t involve hitting the right notes together or something in your typical party game? I think guitar hero has combos, not sure about melee.

It won’t make you a great player, sure. But you’ve ever done Adderall and played? You can see the fucking CODE, dude. Combined with caffeine/cocaine, your reactions become insane.

Sure you can. You can bet on anything if you got the imagination for it.

Yea I get the point of the thread, he just chose the wrong lace to make this thread. He have looked in FGD or maybe Saikyo 101 or something, GDs not the place for this kind of thing. Hell it even says in the descriptor for the board “Everything not fighting game related” and since Smashers like to insist their game is a fighter, he should have been able to figure out this isn’t the board for this thread so I don’t feel much pitty for the back lash he’s getting.

I don’t mind games being called a sport as I said but you crazy if you don’t think I’m gonna look at you like a dog listens to a high pitched noise because you also tried to call yourself an athlete. Personally I wouldn’t want to be called an Athlete because it’s not what I am I’d rather be called a video game player because that is what I do and I’m not ashamed of it, which is the feeling I get from a lot of these people who want to be E-Sports Athletes. Their ashamed of being gamers, they want to be recognized as sports players an athletes, or followers of sports and athletics.

Anyway homeboy just needs to keep applying for a travel Visa and save the money to come here like everyone else has to do.

petition to recognize OP

as not a community member

and to not go without saying, not a real nigga

they aren’t suddenly going to make you a gold medalist either. stuff like that is for the people who have reached a 100% and are trying to eek their way past the competition.

thats one reason i never understood all the hate Armstrong got people were all like “oh my god he’s a fraud!” dude outraced everyone else on the same drug and could easily blow almost every other biker out of the water clean. sure ban him, but don’t pretend like he didn’t work his ass off and oh yeah help how many fucking cancer children? whatever rant over.

No begging/homework help/gamefaq vs polls & make a topic asking for people to further weird causes like that, never use their account again waste of time for everybody.

Probably falls under that for common sense rules.

reason for travel/entering the country

business or pleasure


get the fuck out, next.

Lol Hax you kill me.

And besides fuck sports players getting to travel more easily. They make way more money then I do to play a game, and they get to secure Visas easier for playing said games while I gotta wait months for that shit? Fuck off, sports players aren’t special we should stop treating them as such in realms outside where their talents lay, the sport they play.

Garbage ass idol worship bullshit if you ass me.

Players play sports around the world, look at tennis for the closest comparison

Well, thank you all. You’ve shown me that these forums are frequented by a bunch of dumbasses who think cursing, posting an opinion in caps lock, and .gifs are the equivalent of forming a decent argument, so now I won’t waste anymore time casting my pearls before a bunch of fucking swine. Goodbye.