Petition to recognize esports as legitimate sports in the U.S. to solve denial of entry

I bet they’ve never even played chess.

When I type esports on my phone, it auto corrects to exports, maybe my phone is trying to say that the word is fucking ridiculous and should be exported to the sun.



Chess is the very first fighting game

Not only does OP think video games are sports he chose Smash as an example.

When’s MAHVEL?

None of that is sports

Fuck this bullshit

That’s because it was the competitive Smash community that started it with their #freeleffen campaign. In fact, it was created by a member from r/smashbros a day after that Smash player went up on Youtube and read out loud that his I-129 petition for a P-1 work visa was denied by the USCIS. I even read that petition and found that it’s flawed and nonfactual in many areas. I would never sign this because it’s flawed and that this is all centered around one guy (Also because I find the idea of video games becoming sports just to have its players recognized to be athletes just to get work visas is ridiculous). The petition will most likely fail.

Yo, using a Perfect 360 is a sick work out. You spend 15 minutes doing fast flies and shit on one of those and you’ll be sweating like a zumba class.

Dudes be sweating because that room is hot and they are getting only monsters or redbull to drink

Playing sentinel is a good way to get phil heath tier forearms

I get it in terms of space control. You control certain spaces on the board with your pieces to limit your opponent’s movement much like you try to control the space in front of you and above you with moves to keep your opponent in a certain place in the neutral part of a good fighting game.

But I think beyond that, there really aren’t any other similarities.

What is Sanford’s excuse?

why dont we just compare fighting games to actual fighting…well martial arts, not world star.

Because 4 KOs per match in irl is brain-dead pretty easily.

Because they are not the same.

You guys been arguing over this shit for days now, its not a fighting game, its a social tool for retarded fat kids with hygiene issues, deal with it.

Even though I can’t stand some smashers and their holier than thou approach to fighting games they’ve never played, and that the game most of the time is an absolute bore, an entertaining character is an entertaining character.

Maybe they needed this petition to work so their game doesn’t get canceled for lack of entrants.