Get ready foir what?
The white house couldn’t care less about what some autistic furries have to say about their visa policies.
You have to be fucking mental to believe that this will lead into something satisfactory for thos manchilds.
So the Ugly people here, such as Hecatom, hate me and want to talk about how much i would masturbate to them just to defend themselves about the reality that they are fucking ugly and no one likes them.
Why do people think petitions get anything done? All a petition says is that x amount of people want this. There’s nothing legally binding about that would make one have to abide by the demands. The White House will likely look at this and say “Pfft the fuck is this?. We got more important things to worry about” And then shred that shit. Now if they really wanted results. They should’ve put some transgender spin on it. Now that what have gotten Obama’s attention. Because you know how he love to score points with the LGBT community any chance he gets.
It’s not a matter of liking it. If they can get it done and ge the guy a Visa GREAT. Good for them. It’s a matter of it not belonging on this board because this isn’t a fighting game board, in fact it’s specifically a “For everything not fighting game related board” and a matter of no one here giving a fuck either way, be it for or against. Majority of people here don’t play Smash and don’t care about it’s scene or players. This isn’t the place for this petition.
I doubt most people here fucking care is dood secure a Visa or not.
No character was ever banned except for Meta Knight in Brawl in one region no one cared about.
You’re sorely mistaken and no one has yet to produce any proof to this timer thing being a factor in any game other than Brawl.
Let’s imagine you’re right though. What drops is random, what to put on is too subjective. But keep up your idiotic crusade, you and the other two people that feel that way can have a great tournament I’m sure.
Smash does need a certain amount of culling, the options of how to play are way too open-ended and a standard needed to be set.
Melee’s rules are fine as is because they’re the result of about a decade of playtesting.
Smash 4’s rules I gotta say come right outta “take me seriously daddy” territory. I wish they were more based on the FGC’s mentality of “fuck you, it’s in the games so deal” and I do feel like they’re giant babies.
That being said Smash dissenters if it’s so easy, if it’s so “babymode” why not just pop on into Melee at evo and make some quick cash?
Why are people trying to discredit a game based on aesthetics, oh what’s up? You’re too big and bad to play a game with Mario in it? I thought SF fans loved racial stereotypes.
Also I love fighting games, ever since I saw MvC2 in the arcade as a kid and spent my entire day at it I knew this was the kind of game I liked to play anytime I could. I own the entire vs Series on Sega Saturn/DC. I have CvS1 and 2. I even have Capcom Fighting Jam, I love this shit. So check your bullshit about not being able to play both.
Reading this thread has me believe that a lot of people don’t really get what’s going on in Smash. I can’t fault them for it but damn.
It’s not like Powerstone at all, Tekken probably has more in common with Powerstone than Smash.
On-topic though: Not all competitions are sports and video games are not sports. If these rotund XXXL t-shirt wearing guys who haven’t seen the sun in the last 6 months are athletes I’m a fucking mega star for playing basketball at the park. That being said, games are a legit thing to compete in and he should totally get that visa. Baseball or golf or whatever sport is only more important because of societal standards they’re both equally useless to society as entertainment. Obviously going out and playing yourself is good for you.
To OP: SRK is not your personal army. What the hell man.
Because I made an account on SRK, not smashboards.
The problem is that suddenly the biggest community event has to put up with a game that has nothing to do with its history or anything else for that matter. Love me some smash brothers but if I wanted to do that, I’d go to you guys not come here for it.