Petition for Morton Salt to Sponsor Dromstruction Tournament

Getting a drink to sponsor you would be more worth your time to be honest. Deodorant and Soap wouldn’t be a bad idea. I experienced that stink before and I never want to experience it again.

Hell, we should set up a committee to try to get like fucking Axe or some shit. Just something to ward off the con stank.

Wait, on second thought, fuck Axe. That shit stinks and makes it hard for people to breathe.

Morton’s salt is the only salt I know. Do they even have competition?

That’s the inverse case, though; the sponsor (cigarette companies) are thought of negatively, and the sponsored TV/movies are glamourizing it. In this case, the would-be sponsored scene/tournaments (us) are casting the allegedly negative association upon their would-be sponsor (Mortons and their table salt).

Just nit-picking.

Or nit-pickling, I suppose I should say.

I predict a strange increase in the amount of high-sodium level complications in the future…

I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been locked yet.

Rofl he changed his location.

Also I don’t know anything about this tournament but SIGNED for the sake of salt.

Get Blow to sponsor the FGC


Na - Sodium

“Please, Mr. Morton, sponsor our fighting game tournaments and I will buy cans and cans of your product to give to my opponents after I body them in Street Fighter. However, it’s not just for my own amusement, but my salty wink opponent can take it home to their family for their food, as a reminder that your product tastes so great… after a bitter defeat, of course.”

How about that, for starters?

Like this would be so clever if I was in grade school.

Ps: Can we just ban everyone from 4chan or whatever shitty site these new members came from. GD needs more bandwidth.

Signed. Also, make Chris Hu a spokeman.

“Yeah get this stuff Morton Salt it is good salt yes right here. Get me more salty than peanuts.”

EDIT: Wait, this just hit me. How the hell do you petition a company into sponsoring something? That’s like saying my friend should give me $20 because I made a bunch of people sign a paper that said it should happen. Also, I’m sure Morton Salt wouldn’t see any opportunity to make a gaggle of fighting game players buy more salt, they already get enough salt from the FG scene in general. This whole thing wouldn’t go further than comedic value, at which point Morton Salt has nothing to gain, and the joke wont be funny anymore. if anything, you should get BAWLS, SpeedStick, or some weeaboo magnet like J-list to sponsor it.

I personally think it would be smart for a Company Like Pringles to sponser a tournament. With Broken Tier. The “Curley Mustache” Joke.

And hell they can have a booth and sell Pringles a the tourney. All types of flavors and shit…Damn

[RIGHT]* Goes to the Corner Store *[/RIGHT]

At the very least, Pringles makes more sense than Mortons.

True, becuase at least Pringles can benefit by selling there product at the tourneys. I dont see Morton selling cansiters of salt to the players.

Its makes much more sense. And could probably happen even more with the mix of some other sponsers that sell energy drinks. Supply the players with snacks and beverages. Not a bad idea at all.


what about a petition for webster to sponsor some tourneys, so y’all can expand your vocabularies and stop overusing dumb ass catchphrases.