So I’m a fan of picking the brains of the fighting community. I was far too young to really have a lot to say about my Arcade days outside of “I use to play Street Fighter II in the arcades!” I did well… that’s about it. Out of five regular players, you’re bound to do okay I suppose.
As such I enjoy the aspect of hitting the community here at SRK and exploring topics that pop into my head while playing Ultra Street Fighter IV. As a side note I made 7th Best Decapre! That’ll change REAL fast as I then proceeded to crap my points away in a much too long series of terrible I MEAN terrible losses.
That aside. I sometimes wonder if I’m an average player a decent player or a good player. I feel that I’m a ‘decent’ player. I’ve hit A with Bison back in AE2012, got Decapre to B+ yesterday, rank 7 (for now!). Yet I can’t help but wonder if I suck. This isn’t a plea for pandering admittedly because that’s not how We Fighters handle things. However being insightful and thoughtful about our own gameplay is what helps us get better (I hope). This is what brings me to this topic.
Integrity versus Interest.
I’d like the community to be a bit honest here. No judgment! How many of us have fought someone at a lower level, beat them narrowly and decided 'You know what… "(Insert excuse to not fight them again)
When I was struggling to get the glorious B+ there were a few times when I faced off against a C or C+ player and just groaned at how absurdly good they were/bad I was playing/Stupid life was and won the match. When the rematch came I hovered over whether or not to kick them, suddenly log off with shifty eyes, or go ahead and engage them in their desire to see if they can take my head!
I do try my best to be an honorable warrior! A True Street Fighter (At least as far as super powered people who fight because ‘reasons’ is concerned). Showing integrity by not sending salty messages, not throwing my controller at my room mate’s head, and helping others when asked for tips! However every now and again I lose sight of the true goal! To get better. Sometimes The Points, the allure of Big Numbers calls to me and I find myself straying from the path!
So I’m wondering if it’s just me, or do we all share this crippling Points Addiction. When we’re on the cusp of the next upgrade, or rebuilding our rank from an ass beating. Usually I give anyone and everyone a rematch. Sometimes however when the D+ player kicks my ass because I just woke up and haven’t had my cocaine I cringe at the idea of having to fight him again. If I win? I get one point! Huzzah! If I lose I lose 100!
At the end I sometimes dodge them by going out for a smoke (Winners don’t smoke!..wait…) hoping that when I return they’ll leave me the hell alone! Other times I’ll go into Quick Match (Usually I camp in Create). Other times I’ll specifically pick someone from the Custom match. I’ve also had times when I’ve faced off against someone who is genuinely better than I am and I win by the skin of my teeth! Those times I’m ashamed to admit it I either log off “Time to end the gaming on a good note!” I don’t do it all of the time! In fact it happens rarely!
What I’m curious about is the community outlook on this type of behavior. When you lose do you rematch reliably? If you’re playing against match ups not in your favor do you give the person a rematch when you win or lose? When I face off against a Rufus (Dear God I hate him) I HATE having to fight him again. I’ve gotten better but my new hated enemies are Elena and Honda! For Honda I can manage but with Elena when I see the person is using HEAL I just want to pull my own teeth out and then choke them with them! Ahem… Players who turtle, or use cheap tactics! Do you rematch them, or do you skip them or kick them?
I like the idea that I’m good enough to rematch anyone and everyone regardless, win or lose. Sometimes however the reality is that I freaking hate Grapplers (FYI I tend to hate every in game character I fight against, including mirror matches I don’t even know why I play this game.) and that Zangief won because he caught me in his Ultra because I did a hard kick and it destroyed half my life! SCREW HIM!
Let me know what you guys think! This can also branch out into the famous Salty Sayings. For the match ups you’ve hated where you’ve been forced to send a nasty message. I admit I haven’t done that yet but dear lord I’ve been tempted. Most of the salty messages I share are with my monitor, under my breath so as not to offend baby angels. Or the times you’ve gotten them due to your lack of integrity in not providing a rematch!
Also any tips for Decapre players versus: Hugo, Honda would be super helpful! I play on the PC as Blacque!