please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws please have guilty throws and not blazblue throws
I wonder if it’s all him, or if he’ll be collaborating with Ishiwatari.
Personally, I’d love to see a Meguro/Ishiwatari collaboration. THAT would be an epic OST.
Despite having not played much of the Persona series, I’m actually hyped about this, since I’ve liked what I have played and I think the style would work well in a fighter. And count me in as someone who’s more interested in it after finding out that the BlazBlue team/director are involved!
I need to play it more! (AH3 that is). Too many fighting games, not enough time.
i did not see this one coming. i never played persona games but i hope to see more info in the near future.
Junpei, and Brosuke mained… Deal with it
so the same people who directed blazblue are directing this. yeah this game will suck bad.
i was hype till i read that. o well
ok so this is really just persona 3 and 4? fuck that shit. if they’re gonna do it, do it right.
Meguro doing the OST <3 - now I’m in love with this (though, a collab between Meguro and Daisuke would make the title automatically god-like in that regard).
Shame that the series pre-P3 is less known. I’d die for Ulala being in, as well Ayase-chan.
Even less likely are the presence of Social-Link characters as playable ones. They would be good additions too, especially the off-the-wall ones for some lulz (Nozomi and Bebe comes to mind).
There are enough characters from p3 and p4 for a full roster, I doubt we’ll be getting anything else, especially since arc sys likes small rosters.
0/10 for trolling
(Persona 4 game? Well, I guess Kou Ichijou will inevitably become top tier.
I also look forward to Hype Fox replacing Hype Dog.)
By the Elder Gods, the first thing some of you do is bitch about how this game is being done by the Blazblue guys? Even though most of those people are the same people that did your beloved Guilty Gear? I can understand having some concerns, but dear Odin, no one cares if you don’t like Blazblue or love Guilty Gear. At least give the game a chance if you’re going to bother to post in the damn thread instead of going “*Blazblue *guys? Oh gods, it’s doomed!”
Oh, who I am kidding? Even if this game ended up being perfect, people would still bitch about it. That some of you manage to be even bigger self-entitled assholes than I already thought should be disgusting, but it’s kinda become par for the course, sadly.
Ha. That’s honestly the first thing that I thought of given I haven’t played anything beyond the first Persona game unfortunately.
I think just because of Hiimdaisy I’m gonna pick Kanji so that I can go Chou Aniki on people’s asses. Literally.
This is my personal opinion, I just don’t like guilty gear or blazblue. Too much shit on the screen, animations aren’t that great (yeah i said it), and too complicated for my personal taste. I know both games have incredibly deep and solid fighting systems, but they are simply too involving for someone as noob as myself.
So yeah, i was hype to hear about a persona 4 fighting game (once entertained the possibility in my head actually), but to hear its powered by arc sys is kinda pfft for me.
We’ll see though.
I’m going to be maining Yukiko and covering people’s mouth and nose when they snore.
It would be cool if they put in a pre-P3 character as a secret boss. Atlus loves their secret cameos.
Maybe P3 MC Post-Coma?
Notice the words “pre-P3.” We want someone like Maya-nee.
Wow, Maya would be an awesome character for this game. Or hell, even Mary! (don’t remember her japanese name, nor do i care)
Baofu would be pretty sweet too, but doubtful they’d put him in.
Beyond fucking hype for this game. persona has always been kind of a rip off of JoJo’s, I guess the circle is completed.
PS: Can I hope for a Vincent cameo? I want to see him bitch slap motherfuckers with his mystic pillow of destruction.
ill be hype when the game is good. i like the style and universe so i want the game to be good, but im not gonna get my hopes up until i see and know more about the game. its guilty until proven innocent at this point. i still believe in arc systems but their intentions as far as gameplay design goes has yet to be seen post-bb.