People that talk trash and lie on hd remix

i was playing hd remix trying to get use to arcade stick that i had only been playing on for 3 days. then elton chong joined my room. i picked dee jay because i wanted to try and learn a new character. so we play and he wins. after the game is over and i am spectating i get a invite from prodigy so i joined prodigy room. then a bunch of people tell me that elton chong said that he destroyed me and that i rage quit and ran away from him. just dont get people sometimes

What’s your gamertag? Are you suppose to be any good? Do you know him? Why would he bother telling people he destroyed you?

my gamertag is ii grenade, i play with ryu and i consider my self to be a good player. dont know why he would bother to tell people that.

ya your right inferno i shoulndnt waste my time

Yes, you are in fact a good player. I totally agree.

I also agree with this. If the dude wants to talk trash, let him talk trash. Online play isn’t a good measure of skill anyway.

HD Remix gaming community is so much more bad mannered than any other games I play. I get nothing but trash talk while playing it or people that quit as they’re losing. Worse is when u play someone lose to them, then you get paired with them again and they leave as your gunna win.

I dont know, i like talking trash…Its all good fun & you shouldn’t take things personal its only a game.

I enjoy talking trash if there is a reason for it but to just do it randomly is kinda uncall for. Yea it is just a game but sometimes that crap hurts!! i get hate mail all the time of people trash talking. Im use to it now but at first i let it get to me and now i laugh at these trash talkers known as NOOBS!

Megaman in fact is a loser!!! :stuck_out_tongue: RAWR!!! EVO SON YOU READY!!!

People who talk shit on XBL are the funnest people to beat. They’ve deluded themselves into thinking they are great and its fun to give them a reality check.

Super1Nyc is the biggest shit talker on hd remix, this dude will say every racial slur in the book, and uses every excuse in the book when he gets his ass handed to him. His favorite is “i have to put my mic on mute, otherwise it throws my game off”.

Not true at all - I get along with almost everyone great on xbox live, but here those who have no skill in the game like to try and insult players who are better than them.

It’s funny how those who lie and type the most profanity here are the ones who play the worst.

It must really suck to be in that situation! :rofl:

Hey grenade, what’s up bro? You’re the same grenade I play with sometimes right?

Let me know…

By the way, ignore that nonsense with elton or any other people who act like that - generally the better you are, the more jealous and stupid people will get…

You’re really not in a position to say or type anything at all, seeing as how you’re ranked at # 1,390. Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously? :slight_smile:

I would be happy to challenge you again sometime and show you how wrong you were about me. I like to have fun and make jokes while playing the game, and the vast majority of gamers really like me. Give it a chance and you will too!

I think it is, and I enjoyed beating you. It’s ridiculous to say online play isn’t a good measure of skill - how else are people who will never meet to play the game in person going to measure their skills?
Are you saying that the entire ranking system is flawed and means nothing?

If you can stop cursing your butt off every time you see me, we can have some more matches and I can beat you some more. :slight_smile:

It was silly to get so offended when I politely declined your offer to “teach me some moves” after I beat you and ran into you again online.

I think i was in the same room w/ you the other day. You put me on mute :rofl:

talking shit is a way of life to me on live, if someone gets the chance read my XBox live Bio…But anyways you have the option to talk shit back, people lie and quit all the time don’t it get to you I used to make 20 people quit a day on HD remix and then they would send me mail saying I was garbage, and I cheat lol so this is what I would do Go get my other Xbox Live account -THELONGPANTSMAN- send a private match…then ask them whats the point of leaving a player match, why so serious?

Yeah I do that sometimes when there is a non-compliant one among my loyal followers, so that he cannot cause dissention in my otherwise cooperative ranks. :wink:

I’ll remember your name and I will not mute you next time. :smile:

looking forward to all the matches tonight…

omg guys, he’s got a good rank, this fool is A-list!

just shut the fuck up already. every post you make is just you blowing hot air about how awesome you are, get over it already. online is for dicking around, most people already know that. the inflated egos with online remix is getting out of control.

if you ever visit cali i got at least 100 on megaman. i’m sure i’m not the only one.