People in the house on the net = LAG

Theres 2 extra pc’s that use the net at any given time, so i can never play online [kaillera] . Is it possible to limit their usage of the bandwidth. Im on a 2mb line, meaning i get around 200kb a second, if i set a limit to 50kb on each pc, id say 100kb would suffice for me.
I tried “NetLimiter” but is there anything that will alow me to switch the limits on and off remotley from my pc ?


You using a router right? What model type is it?

2mb should be good enough for kaillera usage. There are two other desktops, and two laptops going on and offline on my router all the time, and I’m using a standard roadrunner cable connection, on a wifi router at that!

You can do something other than simply limiting their bandwidth, you can use another band than they do if you’re wifi. Hardlines should never really have lag issues…so I don’t know.

We need more information before telling you how to fix it.

DCR using another band sounds unreal? excellent.

I have a wireless router downstairs [netgear DG934G]
theres a pc connected to the router [ethernet]
theres another pc upstairs that connects to it wirelessly [this is sisters so shes not on as much, so worst case scenario the pc downstairs would be the main goal, if not both]

my pc connects to it wireless aswell

Then set up the router to split between A band and B band. It’ll siphon bandwidth for both, but won’t allow them to overlap, I also have a netgear and we have it set up like that…should be easy to find in the router’s config pag. Assuming you have admin over it.

Otherwise, find a way to hardline, and never worry about it again.

thanks alot DRC any idea what option this resides under, or technical terminology for it?
very ignorant to anything network related.

i do have admin

I’m not sure if the DG934G can do dual access points, so that might be a snag, i looked it up to almost no avail.

However, there could be some other ways to do this. I’m almost positive you can find in the set up area of the router config a way to siphon allowed bandwidth allocated to each computer. Also, I’m pretty sure if it’s possible, you can turn up the power output (signal output) in the same area. Most routers run on around 5 or 6. If you can manage to get it up to 10, you’ll see a major difference in the range of the router.

BUT, you said the downstairs PC was hardwired! So if they run almost anything, it WILL take most of the pipe, and if the router is THAT close to the computer, or something else that emits EMI (basically radio waves that mess with the wifi) it will cause the signal to suffer, which could be affected your latency. Check for stuff like that being too close to the router (within three feet). Cordless phones will also douse your signal since they run in 2.4ghz, which your router most likely is running on too.

Other than that…if possible, turn off the hardwired computer when no one is using it, so it won’t affect you. And make sure the SSID is secure, neighbors tend to leech whether purposely or not…

(I’m currently an ATT tech support employee, so this is the same basic things we tell people calling in with the same problem…)

Mines not dualband so i dont think its possible at all, i could invest in a newer model but im not sure if this would be effective,
I dont think its as much the signal strength then the bandwidth being used? even if we were on different channels if hes surfing the web would that not cause lag spikes when im playing online?
since its the same broadband connection basiclly.

Btw ive changed my WEP key a few times, im pretty sure no one else is accessing it, i could move router away and get usb wireless key for the pc downstairs aswell but not sure if that will affect my problem at all.

thanks for the help again !

Actually, we split the bands because I’m a gamer (WoW, Counter Strike, and so on) and other people weren’t, and I was sapping their connection, after the split we were fine.

What could cause lag spikes that I didn’t mention before because I doubt you have it on. If you’re using a blocker on your router, it will cause MASSIVE random spikes. Like a porn blocker through the router, or even a timer to block the internet.

After turning off my filters (I used to spike hardcore) it went away.

The worse possible scenerio for Kaillera, during gameplay and not including the cache system, would be:

Downstream: 8 Players, 32bytes/packet, 60Keyframes/s [LAN] = ~15.00kb/s
Upstream: 32bytes/packet, 60Keyframes/s [LAN] = ~1.88kb/s

A typical MAME32k v0.64 MvC 4 Player:

Downstream: 4 Players, 8bytes/packet, 20keygrames/s [Good] = ~640bytes/s
Upstream: 8bytes/packet, 20keygrames/s [Good] = ~160bytes/s

Kaillera takes very little bandwidth to play.

Possible reasons for lag is wireless connection and other programs running during gameplay. If you’re like me and running an old P4 and play with MAME, running another program that will take time away from the CPU or require graphic useage will take away from the emulator’s performance…hence lag. Lag isn’t necessarily just bandwidth problem when it comes to this stuff.

Im actually Dual Core, 3GB ram so its definatley not a memory issue.
Anyway so am i wrong in thinking lag is caused by people using the net on the same connection? i.e if i was wired to the router [ethernet] and everyone else was wireless using the same connecting, id have no lag?

You’re not wrong if the entire 2mb line was being hogged up [which I highly doubt].

The type of lag you’re describing is generally from packet loss or frequency interference. So yeah, if you were wired, you wouldn’t suffer from the wireless packet loss due to interference from some other source. You may still experience packet loss just due to how the nature of the UDP protocol is, but it should be much better and much more stable then wirless connection. A simple wirless phone in your house could interfere with your wirless network connection.

On the latest version of open kaillera client/n02, you can type in “/status” in the server chat dialog box to bring up a bandwidth monitor. The numbers there include UDP/IP/Ethernet type 2 header(which is typical these days nvm dialup) overhead per packet.

Bandwidth is not a big issue. The issue is the time it takes for a router to process packets from multiple sources. When a packet reaches the router, it has to do things like calculate crcs to see if the packet was corrupted or not so it can drop it, make routing decisions based on its destination ip and add it to it’s transmission queue (which probably happens) or wait until the transmission line is not being used. All of them take time. So if one of the other computers is downloading a 20 mb youtube video, his tcp connection will keep going back and forth to the state when there will either be packet loss or at least delay (more than usual) on the network. MaybeMemories, I thought you were studying CS, you should know about these networking stuff better than any of us?

Think some routers allow bandwidth allocation/ prioritizing. Log into yours and have a look around =/

Also, I concur that wireless is bad. Avoid it as much as possible when gaming.

hmmm Thanks 0746, i’m aware of everything said here, was just making sure i was missing anything really, i always hated networks though :’(