People are racist pricks

It’s not really racism, you can be any race you damn well please. You just have to be Jewish.

There’s Jewish interracial couples. It’s more… religion-ism?

This is so fucking dumb.
.English is a white people language. They built it, and used it to communicate, they can change words because it’s their fucking language. English isn’t a universal language that was made for everybody.


Lmao. You’re getting butthurt over some low-tier racist shit like that?

If you think having your dick denied makes a place “insanely racist” then be thankful you don’t live somewhere you get racial abuse/dickheads trying to pick a fight with you when you’re walking down the street. Happened recently to me when I was out for a run. That ain’t a boast as I know some people out there have it way worse off, but I clicked on this thread expecting to see some real shit lol.

Everybody has such an issue with racism. I’m a white South African. English. And because of something caused by Afrikaans people, black South Africans have an issue with me because of my skin colour and the fact they think all white people are racist. I come from a family who fought against black oppression. But this is not something they can tell just by looking at my skin colour. So I have to deal with prejudice assholes as well. It goes all ways man. Somebody will have a problem with somebody else. Just let it be. Maybe shes looking for something specific and you being arab is not that. Let her go. You cant be mad at her for being racist. That’s prejudice. Is she not entitled to her beliefs and opinions on the people she wants to be with.

Maybe you should also mention that you’re an atheist right after mentioning your name. You said people are surprised to see you eat pork, so just accelerate the process let them know who you are from the very first moment they meet you.

Then stop laying bombs, Ali!

No I’ve been seeing dumb shit for a while now. Again its not about my dick being denied. I don’t even give a shit about that. I would have reacted the same way no matter what. I wasnt interested in the girl. In fact i just wanted to chill and have a drink.

It could have been a guy and i would still have made a thread about it. Some of ya’ll dont have any brain holy shit.

And theres no such thing as low tier racism. Its all the same to me, its malicious just the same. Your way of thinking makes it sound like “low tier racism” isnt a big deal. Good way of encouraging these people to keep acting like douchebags towards minorities.

bitches be assuming asians have small penis
and im like

bitch so what?!

Maybe it’s because you are ugly?

Since your uncle murdered all those gays last week :coffee:

I miss the coffee emote


I don’t.

People need to grow a thick skin. Unless a cop/soldier/thug is beating your ass because of the colour of your skin, chances are it’s not really racist, your just a bit of a bitch.

People got real problems, fuck outta here with this nonsense honestly.

Please, white man, tell me more about how we should just bear with racist attitudes.

I’m sure your answer won’t be condescending and ignorant at all.

lol crucades
They are real problems… That’s why most black people will get shot committing the same crime as white people, who will just get cuffed.

White people don’t get to say tell me white man.

Take it to tumblr, where your white guilt is welcome.

Countdown to thread lock engage.

KKKrucades back at it again wit da white power.

Eat my asshole with syrup, sir.