Peacock Thread: Straight From Toontown

should i bother using Banjo Session? right now i really don’t use it and end up using the jumping chainsaw a lot

It’s a slide, use it when you think the guy is going to block high to respond to jumping lp

For Peacock, with a 1.00 multiplier, what’s considered solid damage for a midscreen combo with 0 and 1 meter?

i main solo peacock and she works fine by herself there’s never a match where i feel like crap i should of picked another character…she’s just that good by herself you just gotta remember she’s at her absolute best when she’s nowhere near the opponent so use all her keep away tools and don’t be afraid to get up close if you have to(Remember to use her ground grab too that thing can easily chain into Argus Agony for some good damage)

You’re in the same boat as I am here. Honestly I say give it a whirl, I actually enjoy playing Peacock solo ( though I may also pick up Filia on the side to pair with her). If you are aware of Peacock’s pros and cons (such as lacking a good “get off me” move and anti-air, but on the flipside having all sorts of shit to keep your opponent out for days, decent combos and supers) and however still enjoy playing her solo and getting better with her, I say it’s worth a shot. You don’t have to take my word for it though.

One more thing before I go, to those that may be irritated fighting against Peacock, I only have this to say:


Lol, couldn’t resist saying that haha

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I’ve been playing Peacock since the game came out and just recently learned a few obvious things

  1. She has an airthrow
  2. She has a teleport followup
  3. The scientist and Her bird are named after Tex Avery.

Lol, love that reference. Good ol Tex Avery cartoons!

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So what are some good midscreen combos for Peacock, I’m not having any luck in that department.

Jump back xx double jump back xx airdash back xx j.HP while mashing booty slam button

I’ve been using st. lp, st. lk, st. mp, st. mk, j. lp, j. lk (1 hit), j. mp, air dash, j. lp, j. mp, st. lp, st. mp, st. hp, qcf+hp (x3), qcf+2p.
The st. hp whiffs on smaller characters so you can easily just go straight from st. mp to garbage day. You can get more damage, but I’ve been using this for the sake of consistency.

s.LP s.LK c.MP s.MK > j.LP .LK .MP xx dash j.LP j.MP > land s.LK c.MP c.HK xx QCB HP > s.HP xx QCF MP xx QCF PP works well. Haven’t tried it on Double yet, I bet it doesn’t work though… have to learn so many separate combos for Double haha.

Hmm…let’s see…well this is what I use, not sure if it’s been done before but I like it:

s.lp,,, >> j.lp, (1hit),, (air dash), j.lp,, land, QCF x

You could do that as a standalone combo, or after the QCF add in Argus Agony (if you have 1 meter in stock) for more damage.

You could also do:

s.lp,,, >> j.lp, (1 hit),, land and grab your opponent. I think that makes for a plausible reset. And if you happen to have 3 meters in stock, you could add in QCBxPP for Peacock’s level 3 (Gang’s All Here). However, depending on your opponent’s awareness, they can tech the grab, or jump out.

Hope that helps. If this has been posted before, or if you don’t like it or have better options, then my apologies. Just making sure if all possibilities of midscreen combos with Peacock are made available to the fellow players!

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cr.LP cr.MK st.HK xx qcb.HP (walk up) st.HK xx qcf.HPx3 xx qcf.PP gets me around 5200 damage for minimal effort

Also I want to replace the second st.HK with st.MK for a good juggle, but I can’t really get anything worth using. I’m thinking j.HK loops would be good, but the only setup I have for starting one only works on Parasoul, so I gave up on it.

Every character in this game has different weights and sizes so that’s true for everyone. I’ve heard Filia has even more trouble getting her combos to land.

I made an account just to point out to all of the people using combos that go something like s. LP LK MP MK jump j. LP LK(1 hit) MP dash j. LP MP land s. LP MP c. HK xx whatever, the combo drops always after the c. HK…the opponent can tech it before you can get anything off. If you do a naked c. HK and watch the color of the ground bounce, it is teal for both bounces, which means it can be teched right away. Compare it to s. HK…the first bounce is red (untechable) and the 2nd is teal (they can then tech out of it). So, sadly none of those combos actually work past the c. HK…which is problematic because things like s. HK whiff on certain characters

If I’m wrong feel free to correct me, but I was using that same BnB online (the combo I posted into c. HK xx qcb HP (hold) xx argus agony , release HP xx argus agony, and it was teched every time

Using a team of Peacock (George at the airshow), Double (take a wild guess) and Filia (qcf + hp) has been working out extremely well. I zone with Peacock and use the double assist then if peacock gets low on health I switch out to Filia and use the double assist as back up while Peacock recovers health.

You’re right. s.HK is an okay alternative but its range often makes it unreliable. I’m kind off at a loss now with midscreen combos :frowning:

Something silly I came up with messing around with Peacock that could be a fun mix-up. I believe Mike Z did something like this on the last set of FNFs, so I just ran with it a little more.

If you have an HP item drop charging over someone’s head, they’re likely looking to block high, so you can cruise in with a cr.HK. On hit you can do this:

cr.HK x QCF+LK, ]HP[ (release item), Garbage Day (level 1 or 2 item only) x Argus Agony.

If they block, you can just stop after the item drop, which should make it safe, or you could probably keep going with Garbage Day and it would push back enough to be safe. You can also try to frame trap with the item drop by holding onto it a little bit longer than normal.

I’m having a lot of trouble in the solo Peacock vs solo Valentine match-up, does anyone have any suggestions? It’s really hard to keep her out and once she gets in her rushdown has so much pressure that I can’t get her off of me.

Play a two man team.