PC Only ~ Dudley Endless Lobby Thread ~

But since the Xbox Endless session is on Sunday most likely this will be on Saturday 8:00 PM Eastern Time Zone.

And this is also a place where PC players can link up and find other PC players too.

If interested post your Gamertag timezone and skill level

Times will be : Saturday: 8:00 Central time

Sunday: 3:00 PM Central time

if you guys wanna host too then post when you would like to. but not sunday or saturday. I could also stream but I don’t know how to yet so I’ll figure that out.

PC List


I picked first choice only because you insult me in inproper ways and I didn’t like it. Kappa

I’ll join… when I get a new PC.

LOL. But yea man

would join but since i’m UK it’ll be too late for me

Could always adjust times. Just seeing who’s actually interested first.

i’m interested. i’m eu though and haven’t tried playing yanks yet, so not sure how good the connection would be.

ye if you put it earlier then i’ll definitely be down for it. where you from filifjonkan?

Since there’s europeans I’ll start it at 5:00 Pm today if anyone wants to join.

Im interested, but again I’m from England…

whats the time difference? if its at midnight/1 am in england then i’ll try and be there

It’s 5 hrs behind so would be 10 pm. Personally I’m not too worried about times but how good the connection is

Maybe I’ll just host then and you guys can play since I’m in america. I can also cap with fraps if u guys need some critique matches.

I think my comp’s good enough to stream too but I don’t now how to or what website to use.

generally my connections against a lot of usa players are decent, little bit of lag sometimes but not enough to really put me off. but yeah if its at 10 I’ll try and be there for a few games, don’t know how long i can stay

nvm i’ll start it next week. my comp is acting funny

I would also be interested, i’m usually on after 11 pm CET time and i usually stay up until 2 AM.

I’m Italian but i live in Sweden at the moment and i have around 3700 pp and around 7000 bp.

If anybody wants to add me, just write me a reminder message with written “shoryuken” or something, so i know who you guys are.

My tag is : scrotumreversal

List so far: scrotumreversal
Mellow (when he gets pc)
tehsneak (caspa)

I will be back on PC when v2012 comes out.

I’m in Romania, +2 GMT. Is this time line accessible for anyone?

I’ll adjust times to make it accessible to everyone. hell I might even do 2 sessions. Noob Question: How to make spoiler tabs in post. anyone?

You’ve never quoted someone who put a spoiler in their text?
