PC: Need advice on connecting HRAP 3 SSF4 AE!

hey so my PC reads my hrap great, everythings ine, and i downloaded the x360ce drvers or it, and the program worked great with my hrap 3 stick as well.

then i load up street ighter, and it works! I can press the start button and go move around the menu with my hrap 3 great but then when i get to the character select screen in any type o game the game just turns off. a windows message comes up saying the program closed and this always happens when a gam starts.

Is this a common problem? does anybody have ay other driver program hey can recommend?Also i it helps When i go into the key conig the game doesnt read the sticks inputs, but regardles si cn navigate well enough with the stick through the menus.

im running windows 7 64bit and i have he white Hori real arade pro 3

Any advice would be appreciated.

u need to check some upper buttons like turbo

  1. have you tried it with just the keyboard
  2. if its still crashing, then just wait til the Capcom july 11 patch. Its supposed to resolve some issues.

What does the window message actually say?

got an HRAP3 aswell. i dont have any issues at all. i dont use any drivers or other software.
sorry cant help u with random crashes… maybe reinstall the game?

I am using hrap3 as well and have no problems with the pc version, try using the keyboard first