Just did some practice in training mode while at work for Vega & Guile’s super/ultra.
Charge db, release back+tap forward while holding down. Then, think of yourself doing a hurricane kick motion as you release forward and finally get to ub (keep back pressed+tap up) + k/kkk.
Don’t think it’s a ‘shortcut’, but it works quite consistently for me, easily 9/10, probably 100% if practiced.
Shortcuts are for wusses. Might as well use macros while you’re at it. You’ll never get good by abusing inputs.
As for the haters in this thread, I love how they say keyboard is horrible and talk from their own experiences like it holds true for every man woman and child on earth. I read some things in here that made me laugh unbelievably hard, like how 1-frame links or things of the sort are impossible on keyboard.
This is one of my videos, I do many like them, and all on keyboard. 1-frame links are no harder on keyboard than any other controller type, I don’t use macros (not even that 3 punch bullshit), I don’t use tools, I don’t use shortcuts. I use the universal inputs, I play a variety of characters, both motion and charge, I can only play at my best on a keyboard.
People have a hard time getting the idea of PERSONAL PREFERENCE, especially for fighting games, so anything other than a stick often gets bashed.
Don’t see keyboards in arcades? That’s because personal computers were not as large a business back in the 80’s and early 90’s, the best years for arcades, or known for gaming at the time, and that a joystick was one of the only known controllers for video games at the time.
All controllers had either a joystick, or a D-pad. Could you imagine using a D-pad standing up? Neither could cabinet builders. Just because something was the first method, doesn’t make it the best method. Practice does wonders, no matter what you use.
I main Balrog, wrecked my joystick and until the new parts arrive, I try to learn him on keyboard. I knew most of the shortcuts from sf3:3s which I played often on laptop but some are new for me, thx :o
Still, Im horribly SLOW on the keyboard, compared to the stick… well see :xeye:
Shortcuts don’t suddenly make you inept at playing without them. You adjust. If you can perform a move faster with a shortcut, you should use it, not force yourself to do it the hard way. Eventually keyboard strokes become second nature, and it doesn’t matter if it’s holding a charge or a 24 input combo.
I say you shouldn’t use shortcuts because shortcuts, especially in the context of this thread, only work for SF4. It’s not doing something “The hard way,” it’s doing something the right way. That DP shortcut might come in handy for SF4, but what happens when you try to play anything else, like KoF, 3S, GG, or any other game. Your brain will be telling your hands to do shortcuts and you won’t pull anything off. You can use shortcuts if you want, but if you want to be better overall, universal inputs are the way to go.
I finded that post because of Aquashark’s comment in “Keyboard / Arcade Stick Hybrid - Why Choose Between Two Things You Love?”, and loved the 360 shortcut, lol (its a little different in 3s…f b d u ; and not b f d u, but it still’s exist). But i have to agree with JohnGrimm that the right way is use the universal inputs.
Nope, no shortcut for CW. You may be able to hold :l::d::r: and release them from back to forward to get a half-circle, but that’s about it for shaving off extra movements.