Parasoul Question and Answer Thread

Block properly and tech throws? She isn’t scary until she gets in and you can do a damned good job of keeping her out. Also her lack of an invincible reversal special move is going to hamper her ability to get out of your pressure strings even up close. I don’t see the problem here. What are you losing to?

Also, why are people doing j.HP. That’s an easy way to start losing really fast against competent players.

The big problem is a finding a good way to start pressure. Keeping her out is easy. Blocking is easy. The hard part for me is anytime I throw out an lp or lk I get beat out by her lp.

One of the best entries for Parasoul in the air is j.LK and if it connects, j.HP right after. j.HP on its own is good when you’re a certain distance away and just want to space someone out. It’s also good on its own if you’ve got tears all over the opponent and in the air.

I usually just throw out j.HP xx H Napalm Toss without hitting the opponent. If the opponent gets hit by the j.HP, he gets hit and a Tear is placed (in air or ground). If he doesn’t get hit, a Tear is placed anyway.

It’s best to do it when spacing though…you don’t wanna be grabbed.

But, if I wanna charge in, I usually do dash jump > j.LK > j.HP or sometimes air grab.

Parasoul doesn’t need to start pressure ever against Valentine. And all you need is proper spacing to beat s.lp.

I used to hate Parasouls normals, especially in the air, but Spooky’s stream last night showed the most amazing BnB, and I’ve already started killing mans online with it. What was that?

LP -> MP -> HP -> HP -> (LP Napalm Shot) -> LP

This is as far as I can get without dropping the combo.

Linking the lp after shot is the only tricky part. Once you have it down it’s a great pressure tool. If you want to keep the combo going just start another lmh chain. After the shot You should get in the habit of immediately chaining lp to mp (or light to medium really). If you wait to see if the linked lp has connected, it’s too late.

So what kind of stuff are you guys doing in the corner, BnB wise? More curious about the intermediate stuff and/or the viable stuff rather than the super crazy advanced 80 hit combos

I have a question: how good is napalm pillar, really? I’m currently running Valentine/Parasoul, and I’m pretty much only using Parasoul for the assist because I’ve heard that it’s good and I’ve seen Maximillian get owned by it. However, if napalm pillar isn’t that worth it I’d rather be playing someone else.

Napalm Pillar is good, but ultimately you’re going to be more successful playing a character that clicks and has a worse assist.
If you spend 50% of the game on a character you can’t stand, you aren’t going to win anything.

So i’ve been trying to find a practice combo with Para that covers all her basic normals and how to use them. This isn’t really so much a BnB as it is something to learn how all her moves work in combos. This is what I have so far:

:lp:, :mp:, :hp:, :hp: xx :b: :f: :lp:, :lp:, :mp:, :b: :f: :lk:, dash, :lk:, cr. :hp:, jump, :d: :mk:, :mk:, :hp:, land, cr. :mk:, cr. :hp:, jump, :lk:, :mk:, :hk:, land, :lp:, :mp:, :hp:, :hp: xx :d: :u: :hk: xx :qcf: :lp: :mp:

I’m trying to figure out where I can squeeze in a napalm tear and detonate it with :d: :u: :mk: but I can’t find a spot to do so without fouling up the combo. Any ideas? Or is it just that tears aren’t useful in her combo game?

aight, this is just a simple question. is parasoul good by herself or does she require an assist? i’m new to this game and she’s pretty much the only character that i can get into.

Better than a lot of characters solo. I would question solo characters viability as a whole, but that’s not the question you’re asking. She has the tools and the damage to not need assists in any specific area, but they do help her if you choose to add them.

The hardest factor for solo parasoul is getting in. Her normals are slowish but good for long range pokes. As far as opening up your opponents’ defense, an assist can go a long way.

cool, guess i’ll find someone for an assist.

I think she’s easily one of the best solo characters in the game, she can get in with two standing overheads, overhead >> low >> overhead >> Light Egret really opens a lot of people up, Her block strings are safe, and she has roman cancel egret which can fake people out or make people safe. She has a great poke game, sure an assist helps her out, but an assist helps everyone out, and if anyone didn’t need one, it would probably be Parasoul.

So how do you guys deal with crouching val/filia?

cry, throw bikes, double’s ass, and HK/LK tears

I mean more when I get them in a blockstring, I haven’t got anything safe to end it with :frowning: