Hey everyone I made this video just in case anyone is thinking of using this breakout board to build a PS4 /PS3 / PC stick. I could not find any good resources on this PCB before purchasing, so I made this for people looking into this board.
should note that the USB_PS360 and USB_OTHER solder joints don’t work, according to @armi0024 . maybe a firmware update could address this but i’m not sure what PAS has in plans.
i have a stick that used this board, an impv2 and a 360 padhack and works like a charm.
here’s a tip – make the terminated end of the stripped wire as fat as possible for the screw terminals.
welp, that’s no good… so how is this supposed to work w/the TE2 Crossbone setup then besides having it’s own USB cable and/or using ImpV2 with it… which makes the crossbone switching useless…
They don’t work as the circuit paths are incomplete. Its very common for board to include pads and places for components that are not in use
Firmware update? Did you notice whats missing?
There no chips, no chips, no encoders, no electronic components of any kind.
Nothing to Firmware update. You have to solder on components to make this thing have a USB switch.
As promised here are some photos of the finished stick using one of Art’s Hobbies cases. I did not get to keep this one for myself, so I did not have a chance to clean up the cables as I usually would. The guy I built it for was kind of in a hurry. My camera battery also died so I could not finish making the video, but I will see what I can put together from the footage I do have.
Overall I am very satisfied with the board. Everything worked as intended. It is worth noting that this shows up as a DirectInput device on PC. This is very handy for those of you playing on PC as you will not need to map your inputs or use something like x360ce to emulate an xbox 360 controller.
This is currently just a break out, we will be doing some ATtiny’s and USB switching chips on future runs, but the boards will be a bit more expensive.
Yes it does, @Phreakazoid can even confirm this as I’m about to replace my PS360+ on my XB1 TE2 w/Crossbone with this PCB.
If the “USB_Other” and “USB_PS360” are not working properly, then it wouldn’t power it up correctly.
I actually just this PCB, so I’ll be doing some testing myself.
Do you mean XInput? If I were to just use this board standalone, it would be PC/PS4 compatible out of the box? I was thinking about putting into a TE shell I have lying around.
If I’m correct, it looks like there’s no way to connect the USB without using a B connector into the breakout board. @armi0024 or @SusanInParadise, do either of you know offhand what the 4 pins for USB_IN correspond to? If I had a quick diagram pointing to 5V, D+, D- and GND I could solder my stripped USB cable end directly to the underside of the board and bypass the connector.
Yeah that’s what I’d like to do, but none of the four points are labeled - my options are doing some trial and error and making a mess, or asking if they had a diagram. Figured I’d try asking first.
Get a Multimeter, The pinout on that USB Jack is already known to the public, you just need to know what those 4 solder points are. http://pinouts.ru/Slots/usb_pinout.shtml
Does anyone know where I could get some of those smaller breakout pins? I ordered some from Amazon to make my own breakout and the pins were the large style you see at the bottom and middle right of fundando’s picture. They are too large to actually sit in a row. They line up on a prototype board but are just out of spec for the Brook board.