Palette Suggestion Thread

I made them a while ago before I was aware the panty-lineart existed.

I felt that the two “Mamimi” colorizations for Parasoul were sort of lacking (mostly in how they referenced the source material) so I went ahead and made my own by carefully going over about dozen different screencaps from FLCL for coloring purposes. (It is probably my favorite or 2nd favorite anime of all time)


I decided to go with the armband option because I felt it would be a good place to put the reference colors for Mamimi’s ever present sailor scarf that can’t be done with the pallettes. I also noticed that both of the previous color palettes had gone with using her base colors to do the umbrella instead of the much more obvious (and interesting from a color perspective) colors of Naota’s Bat (which Mamimi is seen using the very first time you see her) Parasouls shirt stripes are done to represent the school bag Mamimi carries around most of the series. Lastly her eyes are actually brown not the same color as her hair. I also made her lower lip the same slight pink seen in some promotional artwork for the series (plus it helps emphasize the lips which is a feature Mamimi is noticeably pronounced)


The bat is a good idea yeah, but I feel like it’s brightness kinda clashes with her otherwise very soft colors. I made the Umbrella the scarf colors rather than using the arm band. I had to make mine in MS paint though lol.
And FLCL is the FIRST BEST anime of all time.

It is a relatively dark colored red which I personally feel goes well with the neutral tan colored skirt and black stockings as well as light red hair.

That said, the majority of already existing colors for Parasoul (at least of the ones on the FNF videos) have the umbrella is a different color from her base color scheme to accentuate it. Commonly the “eyes” on the umbrella are a distinctly different color than anything on Parasoul (like if her hair is Pink and she has eggshell clothes the eyes are an almost saphire blue)

btw, MS paints bucket tool SUCKS. Like I don’t know why it sucks so badly when the exact same tool in photoshop is generally pretty good (as you can tell from the lower number of white/offcolor spots on mine vs yours which is full of em because bucket tool SUCKS in MS Paint :P)

Because paint’s bucket only working on ONE color and ONE COLOR ONLY. You need to reapply it for every other shade.

Lol make it sound like MS Paint’s bucket tool is a Nazi.


It’s the way it works. Bucket, rubber and pipette are all one color only…

The Umbrella choice was a smart move and her eye color is definitely better. Thanks for making me feel inferior though.

kicks rock


It was my first ever palette and one of the few pieces of art I worked on for hours in my post teenage state so I’m still pretty happy with it.

I know (now) I just found the emphasis you used to be funny and that was the image that came to my mind.

Clippy as an SS member.

“It looks like you are trying to exterminate ze jews. Would you like some help?”

HEY! TBH I wouldn’t have ever done it (or thought of it) if you and jet set hadn’t made the originals. :smiley:

I hope there is some kind of FLCL reference in there somewhere at least. We do know it’s one of Alex’s big inspirations :3


Archer from Fate/Stay Night.

Plastic Man of DC Comics.

Disney’s Donald Duck[/details]

Donald Duck Valentine is insane. And I honestly can’t say either it is good or bad kind of insane… O_o

You should just show them fluffy whites (the PSD allows you to turn of the lines for the shimapan after all).

FYI For the last 10 years my Computer’s “System Name” has been “Medical Machina” and every iPod I’ve ever owned I name “Ta-kun”

Since no one else wanted to go through the work of put up/making Double’s line art, i decided to take the liberty

Based on the last FNF video, I think Double seems to only have 4 main colors per palette.

This one is pretty simple.

Sleepytime Peacock Palette


Sleepytime Peacock by Yojiro warning: epic levels of adorable


I hope there is a way to do like gradients because the palette would be MUCH better with gradient purple - pink rather than a flat color.

Now GO Meteor Mash!! (points finger)
Produce kick ass pallets!!

Not a double post (no pun intended)

Double Pyron


Double Arakune alts 2 and 3



Double Gaara
