Palette Suggestion Thread

I wonder what a Silent Hill pallete for Valentine would look like?

Darkstalkers Mode ON!!!

Jedah Valentine!!



No to nitpick, but where is the light source supposed to be on these Valentine edits? Good work nonetheless, but that kind of jumps out at me.

im not too sure how i really feel about this one

samurai showdown Hatori Valentine


  1. Those are not Jedah’s colors.
  2. Ms Fortune would be better off with Jedah’s color. Which is Purple with Red scars.

now on multiple sites this is jedahs colors there just darker shade of blue not purple

guess u gotta pay alittle mor attention, cuz purple is just one palette. NOT his default lol

well here is his main color gradient which includes his skin from the rom decrypted
0FFF 0CFF 0BCF 0A9D 097A 0768 0658 0447 0326

Now lets convert those values into plain old hex.

R  G  B
AA 99 DD
99 77 AA
77 66 88
66 55 88
44 44 77
33 22 66

ur point is only partially valid.
all jedahs official art has him in pretty obvious blue.
his sprites are still blue.
his wings are the only true purple-ish part of him

but we’re getting off topic. srry for this interruption in the thread.

You need to adjust your monitor that LP color is purple. And that palette line I posted was from LP Jedah.

Are you going to keep saying it is blue or are you going to debate to a person that fooled around the engine to the point that the random select wasn’t meant to be a random select slot, that the collision box is the same as the grab box, and there was supposed to be two more playable characters in the game. I know what causes Oouchi Jedah’s push back bug, Lilith’s Jump in to oblivion, and Zabel’s unblockable off the top of my head. Also one last thing, that most of the development tools are still in Vampire Savior(well most Capcom games for that matter not just Jojo’s and X-men Cota).


This isn’t actual artwork her

But this is

i said i was no longer going to argue about this. cuz its disrupting da thread. da in game colors and da commercial artwork colors are different. i went by the commercial stuff which isnt moot point. dats da last ill mention it.

ok, now i apoligize to jedpossum and da rest o da community for the retarded argument, and im posting another version o my jedah/valentine. (in purple)


I’m afraid of making a Darkstalkers one for Squigly after all the commotion above. >-<

My Nurse Haruko(FLCL) color:


The red color just worked really well with her and I decided to keep it for other parts of the whole which really worked out in my opinion. I had more problems with this one than I did with Parasoul because the light skin and outfit made the shadows not as noticeable. I’ve never worked on a piece of art for this long until I started doing these. :oops:

Really love this color.

it is nice

now im not sure if this is already a selectable palette but…here we go

BB Hood(Bulleta)/ Peacock


Hi, I’m a lurkery type who likes Peacock too much and trying my hand at some custom palettes looked fun. Here ya go:

for a reference: Lord Shen


Peacock as… an actual peacock? Original, if not terribly imaginative


Thanks for the support on my Valentine palette color. Looking at it on a browser definitely lifts my spirits. It looks better than I thought.

My Mango Hsien-Ko(Vampire Savior) color for Squigly:


I don’t see myself doing many more of these. They are awesome but they take a lot of time to make.

but thats part of the appeal!
it shows u took da time and effort to try to get ur pallet in da game!
dedication man! dedication!